On 1/6/2012 12:37 PM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
Whatever the numbers I'm sure you take my point that the number of
citations has very little to do with the correctness or importance of
an author. Nobody cites Isaac Newton in physics papers anymore.


Run Isaac Newton in the Google Scholar and you will be surprised. For example

[BUCH] Newton's Principia: The mathematical principles of natural philosophy
Zitiert durch: 1369

and there are other works, Optics for example is quite close.

As for correctness, I would agree. As for importance not. When the scientific community cites something, then it is indeed important for the scientific community.


It is of current interest, as there are many papers now citing the CERN paper on detection of faster-than-light neutrinos at Gran Sasso. But it is important only if true, which is very doubtful. I doubt the scientific community has ever cited Feyerabend. In fact I can't think of any citation of a philosopher in a physics paper that I have read.

But you are right, Feyerabend is no idiot. He is insightful. He knows that reputation in philosophy is most easily gained by taking a position contrary to common wisdom.

"They laughed at Bozo the Clown too."

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