Hi Brent,

On 1/24/2012 9:47 PM, meekerdb wrote:
On 1/24/2012 6:08 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:
Hi John,

1. I see the Big Bang theory as a theory, an explanatory model that attempts to weave together all of the relevant observational facts together into a scheme that is both predictive and explanatory. It has built into it certain ontological and epistemological premises that I have some doubts about.

Such as?

Let us start with the heavily camouflaged idea that we can get something, a universe!, out of Nothing.

2. Dark energy is nothing more than a conjectured-to-exist entity until we have a better explanation for the effects that it was conjectured to explain. We have never actually detected it. What we have detected is that certain super-novae seem to have light that appears to indicate that the super-novae are accelerating away from us. This was an unexpected observation that was not predicted by the Big Bang theory so the BBT was amended to include a new entity. So be it. But my line of questions is: At what point are we going to keep adding entities to BBT before we start wondering if there is something fundamentally wrong with it?

I think what you refer to as the Big Bang Theory is called the concordance theory in the literature. It includes the hot Big Bang, inflation, and vacuum energy. The reason Dark Energy (so called in parallel with Dark Matter) was so readily accepted is that it was already in General Relativity in the form of the cosmological constant. It didn't have to be amended; just accept that a parameter wasn't exactly zero.

A "constant" that Einstein himself called the "greatest mistake of his life". The problem is that one can add an arbitrary number of such scalar field terms to one's field equations. Frankly IMHO, it is more "something from nothing" nonsense.

It is not possible to prove that something exists in an absolute sense, for who is the ultimate arbiter of that question?

There is no ultimate arbiter. What is thought to exist is model dependent and it changes as theories change to explain new data.

WOW! We been informed that we can now make things pop in and out of existence merely by shifting our belief systems. Who might have imagined such a wondrous possibility! Umm, NO. Existence is not subject to our perceptions, theories of whatever.




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