On 3/12/2012 7:16 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:
On 3/12/2012 10:00 PM, meekerdb wrote:
On 3/11/2012 11:41 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:
An Evil Wizard could pop into my vicinity and banish me to the Nether plane! A "magical act", if real and just part of a story, is an event that violates some conservation law. I don't see what else would constitute magic... My point is that Harry Potterisms would introduce cul-de-sacs that would totally screw up the statistics and measures, so they have to be banished.

Because otherwise things would be screwed up?

Chain-wise consistency and concurrency rules would prevent these pathologies, but to get them we have to consider multiple and disjoint observers and not just "shared" 1p as such implicitly assume an absolute frame of reference. Basically we need both conservation laws and general covariance. Do we obtain that naturally from COMP? That's an open question.

You seem to be begging the question: We need regularity, otherwise things wouldn't be regular.

No, you are dodging the real question: How is the measure defined?

The obvious way is that all non-self-contradictory events are equally likely. But that's hypothesized, not defined. I'm not sure why you are asking how it's defined. The usual definition is an assignment of a number in [0,1] to every member of a Borel set such that they satisfies Kolmogorov's axioms.

If it is imposed by fiat, say so and defend the claim. Why is it so hard to get you to consider multiple observers and consider the question as to how exactly do they interact? Al of the discussion that I have seen so far considers a single observer and abstractions about other people. The most I am getting is the word "plurality". Is this difficult? Really?

It's difficult because people are trying to explain 'other people' and taking only their own consciousness as given. If you're going to assume other people, why not assume physics too?


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