On Apr 7, 3:43 pm, 1Z <peterdjo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 1:37 pm, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Stathis and Brent,
> > I'll respond to both at once since they are the same core objection:
> > "Why does feeling have to have "purpose"? "
> > "I can't even conceive of what it would mean for them
> > to be justified. "
> > They have to be justified and have a purpose because that is what a
> > deterministic universe would require.
> Nope. Determinism requires efficient causes,,
> not final causes or purposes.

What do you say the efficient cause of feeling is?

> > Otherwise I can just say that a
> > deterministic universe includes libertarian free will, ghosts &
> > goblins, whatever.
> Libertarian free will contradicts the requirment
> for sufficent causes.

No more than feeling.

>The others don;t contradict determinism.

Why not?

> > What business does a feeling have being in a
> > universe that is essentially a very sophisticated clock?
> Something happened that would cause a feeling.

Are you being serious?


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