On Jun 6, 12:23 pm, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

> It's that idea of fairness or justice that seems to connect the idea of 'free 
> will' to
> social policy.  But is it really needed to make the connection?  Why not look 
> at as just
> rule utilitarianism, e.g. punishment will be a deterrent to others (would we 
> execute
> murders to satisfy justice if it were known to increase the incidence of 
> murder?) and a
> satisfaction to victims.

Fairness and justice, in this context supervenes on the idea that
punishment can possibly have a containing effect which circumscribes
behavior - which in turn supervenes upon free will to be able to
control one's own behavior to some degree to avoid the experience of

It's not possible to punish something that doesn't have free will. It
has no choice but to do whatever it does, so no amount of pain or fear
could cause the recipient to suddenly be able to change their own
behavior if they couldn't change their own behavior voluntarily to
begin with. You can't punish inanimate objects, and without free will,
an organism is just an inanimate object that thinks it's in motion
(for no reason).


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