How can there be a subjective universe ?

This question can be answered by the use of Leibniz's Monadology:

for that.  I have no idea why it is on a Marxist website, for it aims to do 
away with materialism.

Monads seem to provide the only way to understand how there could be a 
subjective universe,
for the entire universe is composed of monads (substances) and so material 
bodies each have a monad
attached to them to guide them indirectly acccording to pre-established 

Indirectly, because all monads are blind and passive except for the dominant 
monad of
the universe, which you might call Cosmic Mind (but i would call God). And only 
monads of the
highest order have intelligence, while physical bodies just have instructions 
misleadingly called 
"perceptions" , as to where to go. Such Perceptions (which are indirect, since 
a monad does not
have windows), for physical bodies are just guidance instructions, and 
appetitions, which are its desires
(for life, to follow Goal-based causation, and for dead matter to follow the 
laws of physics (called efficient causation).  

Dead bodies do not have intelligence, which is necessary foir consciousness, so 
without consciousness,
the subjectivity of a stone for example, would be analogous to that of a blind 
deaf man
(guided by an angel). 

Roger ,
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Bruno Marchal 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-08-14, 05:38:31
Subject: Re: Why AI is impossible

Hi William, 

On 14 Aug 2012, at 02:09, William R. Buckley wrote:

>From the perspective of semiotic theory, a subjective universe
seems rather obvious.

I don't think anything is obvious here.
What do you mean by a subjective universe? Do you mean that we are dreaming? 
What is your theory of dream? What is your theory of mind?

Consider that the Turing machine is computational omniscient

I guess you mean universal. But universality is incompatible with omniscience, 
even restricted to number relations. Computational universality entails the 
impossibility of omniscience.

solely as a consequence of its construction, and yet, it can hardly
be said that the engineer who designed the Turing machine (why,
Turing, himself!) intentioned to put into that machine as computable


Somehow, where information is concerned, context
is king.

I agree with this. I would say that information is really context selection.


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