I admire your perseverence and also of others keeping pace of Roger's
incredible flood of posts. I confess to have fallen out if not by other
reasons: lack of time to read (not to mention: comprehend) all that
'wisdom' he includes into this list over the past week or so.

One remark - and I am not so sure about being right: "DASEIN" in my (almost
mothertongue German) may not reflect the "DA" = *there* plus "SEIN" *to be*,
rather (- and again I hide behind my second 'almost' of half century in the
US:)  - -  *"THE EXISTENCE"*.

I feel Heidegger (whom I did not study) does not imply a spacial, or
locational momentum by using 'Dasein' for a simple 'Sein'. He might have in
mind the difference between the  existing vs. the not existing. It also has
a rythmical ease vs. a short 'sein' what the English put by the 'to' and
the French in a longer 1.5-syllable(?) <e">tre.


On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Bruno Marchal <> wrote:

>  On 15 Aug 2012, at 15:13, Roger wrote:
> Heidegger tried to express the point I tried to make below
> by using the word "dasein".  "Being there ".
> Not merely describing a topic or item, but seeing the
> world from its point of view. Being inside it. Being there.
> I agree. This is what I call the first person point of view, and if you
> read the UDA proof, you will see that it is a key notion.
> Then in the technical part I explain that the first person view of a
> machine, is NOT a machine, and cannot even been describe in term of
> machine, or in any third person objective term.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi Bruno Marchal
> This is hard to put into words. No offense, and I may be wrong, but you
> seem to speak of the world and mind
> as objects.  But like a coin, I believe they have a flip side, the world
> and mind as we live them,
> not as objects but as subjects. Entirely different worlds.
> The person are subject. OK. The mind or spirit are too general term, with
> objective and subjective property.
> It is as if you talk about swimming in the water without actually diving
> in.
> Or treating a meal as that which is on the menu, but not actually eating
> it.
> But you are doing that very mistake with machine. You reduce them to their
> appearance instead of listening to what they say, and more importantly to
> what they stay mute about. More on this later, but please read the papers
> as it shows that we are deadly wrong in theology since more than 1500
> years, with or without comp. And with comp, the physical reality is a non
> computational appearance obeying very precise law that we can test. So my
> main point is that comp is a testable theory.
> Bruno
> Roger ,
> 8/15/2012
> Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him so
> everything could function."
> --
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