On 9/22/2012 3:52 PM, John Mikes wrote:
Dear Stephen and Bruno:
/*(BRUNO: Hmm... Then numbers lives, but with comp, only universal or Lobian numbers can be said reasonably enough to be living. You might go to far. Even in Plato, the No? content (all the ideas) is richer that its living part. I doubt Plato would have said that a circle is living. Life will need the soul to enact life in the intelligible.*/ )

I find it hard to believe that 'exist(ence?)' is depending on human thought/measurement/comprehension. If something fails to 'materialize'(?) into physical(?) existence it still can exist - in our thinking, or beyond that: in the part of the unlimited (complexity?) we never heard of. To restrict existence to our knowledge - especially quoting ancient thinkers who experienced so much less to think of- (e.g. Leibnitz, whom I respect no end, but over the more than 3 centuries humanity has learned SOMETHING??) is counterscientific -there are less polite words - and Bruno's justification depends how we define that 'circle' - OOPS: /*life-living*/. And IF we aggrevate *naturalists* and *materialists*? so be it. (Spelling var: SOB-it). */(Bruno again: Life will need the soul to enact life in the intelligible./* Looks like Bruno's stance on the mind-body bases. I am not with that, I consider Descartes' dualism a defence against the danger to be burnt at the stake. I consider him smarter than dualistic. Stephen, I think(?) you waste your time arguing in such length against a differen belief system. It is like a political campaign in the US: everybody talks ONLY to their OWN constituents, the others do not even listen. All those billion $s (there) are wasted just as all those zillion posts here. Look at the double-meaning of your Wiki-quote. ((- I am one of those "others"-.))
Sorry I could not resist to reply.
John M

Dear John,

I try and I deeply appreciate your comment. You understand me sometimes. Sometimes I don't have any idea where the thoughts that I write come from or what they mean until later...




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