Hi Roger,

I think it's circular to define a monad as a being gifted with the power of 
action if we are using the monad hypothesis to try to explain 
consciousness, which can be considered the power of action in the sense 
that L intends here. I don't think that in that sentence he is suggesting 
that the mechanical automatons which were built in his lifetime would be 
beings gifted with the power of action. Machines don't exactly have a 
'power' of action, but their operation results in the effect of the action 
of their parts.

In the 17th century, it was easier to say that rather than having the power 
of actions, machines are simply subject to reaction, and as such are not 
beings and not monads. However, it can be said that since that time the gap 
has closed, because

1. Genetics and evolution reveal mechanistic sub-personal and 
super-personal levels which paint our power of action as dual mechanisms of 
reaction. Scripted from below and selected naturally from above, we are 
functionally indistinct from a machine, or so it would seem logically.

2. Nuclear physics reveals a microcosm replete with action-reaction 
dynamism. If they are monads, then the question of why some of their 
configurations are gifted beings and others are reactive non-beings becomes 
the more relevant question.

3. Fully automatic mechanisms; everything from automatic transmissions to 
Google computer driven cars show that mechanical reactions seem to be a 
fair substitute in many cases for the functions and behaviors of gifted 
beings. We now have interactive machines and the promise of robots and even 
nanobots which can seek out their own energy sources and reproduce.

Those three add up to a pretty strong case for functionalism ruling out any 
meaningful difference between man, monad, and machine. Most people who 
understand that case are understandably persuaded that it must be the case, 
especially with what seems to be a strengthening of the case continuously 
with studies which seem to undermine the authenticity of free will and the 
veracity of our personal perception. At the same time, AI would seem to be 
making gains in the application of mechanically-intelligent systems, at 
least to a wider and wider range of technologies.

Why I think that this is actually not the whole truth is that because of

1. *The Hard Problem and Explanatory Gap*. Logically, and with automatic 
mechanism, there is no reason for any such thing as experience to exist in 
the universe and no justification for strong emergence. Not only is there 
no reason for an eyeball to open the brain up to a world of color and 
images, and nothing for color and images to be made of, and nowhere for 
them to exist in the universe, even the idea of something like geometric 
logic to exist in the universe is ultimately as superfluous as 
consciousness. There is simply no plausible function for any kind of 
aesthetic richness. There is no material support for any more than a single 
channel of information transfer, as is revealed by the lack of utility 
within computers for anything other than invisible, intangible execution of 
binary coded voltage manipulations. The computer doesn't need to experience 
anything visual, you do. But why?

*2. The Brain as Reducing Valve*. Studies such as the recent one on 
psilocybin (http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/01/17/1119598109), the 
1995 Crick & Koch study showing that the visual cortex doesn't contain 
visual experience (http://papers.klab.caltech.edu/26/1/69.pdf), and now 
this study on neuroimaging trance states 
are part of a body of evidence suggesting that activity in the brain is not 
correlated with what we might expect. Complex, aesthetic experiences like a 
psychedelic trip or composing an intricately worded message seem to 
coincide with lower activity in the relevant areas of the brain rather than 
higher levels. The Koch study tells me that the visual cortex is about 
using our brain to pay attention to visual patterns, but not about actually 
seeing. The images are not there in the brain, despite those blurry blobs 
which are being extracted by analyzing the neural evidence of that 
attention. I think that we are painting digital pictures based on where we 
are looking, not what we are seeing, and that these blurry images, rather 
than heralding an age of better and better images lifted from fMRIs of 
brain activity, should be understood to be the end of the line for 
phrenological assumptions about the brain where images literally reside 
inside the brain. This ultimately is no different from looking for small 
kitchens in the brain where the smells of remembered aromas are cooked up. 
It's a category error. Stop it.

*3. The Fundamental Wonder of Consciousness*. Awareness is not remotely 
like anything else from our perspective. The visceral depth of realism 
cannot be easily accounted for by mere arithmetic equivalences. For a 
computer, 'trying harder' simply means allocating more resources to a job. 
If you want your human robot to lose weight, you simply instruct the robot 
to do so programmatically, and it will consume less calories and exercise 
more. What we face as conscious beings is much different. We may logically 
understand that it is critical to our survival and well being to lose 
weight, yet in practice, we are loathe to actually do the simple tasks 
which we know will cause that to happen. What stops is is a feeling which, 
like pain or blue, has to be experienced to be understood. We are compelled 
by a subjective, semantic experience which we not only find unpleasant and 
therefore modifies our behavior mechanically, but it has qualities that 
somehow compel the interpretation of the experience as being unpleasant in 
the first place. The qualities can even be separated out so that we can 
learn to like the unpleasant sensations and addicted to them as in anorexia 
or bulimia. Besides the Hard Problem question of 'Why does experience exist 
in the universe?' and the Explanatory Gap of 'How is qualia appearing from 
my brain?', the nature of qualia itself is orders of magnitude more subtle 
and interesting than any underlying information-theoretic function behind 
it. It's like creating a symphony orchestra to play every time a traffic 
signal turns red, or a thousand traffic signals turn red in a row. Where 
are these qualities coming from? Why are they so wonderful and awful?

*4. Multisense Realism.* I have put together what I think is a better 
explanation which makes sense of all of the above. By placing sense or 
experience itself as the fabric of the cosmos (not matter, not information, 
not quantum), then it makes sense that aesthetic richness rather than pure 
function would be the primary product of the cosmos. This, product, which I 
call significance is accomplished through the juxtaposition of one kind of 
presentation (of private sequential experiences of a highly plastic, 
dynamic, and multivalent nature) with its opposite (a public spatial 
relativity of objects in discrete, static, literal positions and scales). 
This juxtaposition of presentations and nested meta-presentation levels 
give rise to analytic geometry vs algebra on one 'side', and synthetic 
metaphor and gestalt on the other. The interplay not only created 
significance in the form of more meaningful subjective experiences for 
evolved living organisms, but a more magnificent collection of objects on 
the exterior side. The felt ordinality of our superior interiority (we're 
number one!) is matched in some ways by the known cardinality of our place 
in an increasingly vast exteriority. The quantitative and qualitative sides 
both make their own aesthetic contribution, but ultimately it is the 
aesthetics of the thing and not the computable function of the thing which 
is worthwhile. Without the subjective experience, the vastness of stars in 
the universe or molecules in a grain of sand on a beach is 
indistinguishable from nothing at all. Without either the sense of a 
universe within us or a universe without us, there would be no possibility 
of what we know as 'realism'. Significance alone can create a beautiful 
experience, but without the appearance of entropy and loss, that 
significance can gain no traction, grounding. I suspect that it's not the 
Higgs Boson or any other partical, but external realism itself which 
'causes', or rather embodies gravity.


On Sunday, November 18, 2012 7:21:06 AM UTC-5, rclough wrote:
>  Hi Craig Weinberg 
> You hit on a weak point. There is no agreed-upon version of Leibniz's 
> definition of substance.
> Here's two versions, which do not contradict each other when adjusted (see 
> below).
> 1. Leibniz [snip] considers substance as "a being gifted with the power of 
> action". 
> 2) L's substances are "complete concepts" , those being corporeal 
> (extended) bodies,
> so are not ideas and such inextended subjects.
> L's substances are similar in that respect to Aristotle, except that while 
> Aristotle's substances are 
> of the same stuff, Leibniz says that they must all be different, and not 
> only that, they keep changing.
> L's MONADS are substances without parts (with no internal boundaries).  
> Two rocks cemented together
> would have an internal boundary, and each part would be a substance, the 
> whole body being
> a composite monad or two substances.  
> IMHO mannekins are not wholes, as, say, Caesar is whole, and they also 
> have internal boundaries.  
> By whole subject I mean that to which predicates can be attached.
> Below an author discusses five versions Leibniz gives of substance and 
> allows for them if the fifth, conflicting version, is omitted.  
> http://www.ditext.com/russell/leib1.html#4
> "4. His premisses
>       The principal premisses of Leibniz's philosophy appear to me to be 
> five. Of these some were by him definitely laid down, while others were so 
> fundamental that he was scarcely conscious of them. I shall now enumerate 
> these premisses, and shall endeavour to show, in subsequent chapters, how 
> the rest of Leibniz follows from them. The premisses in question are as 
> follows: 
>    1. Every proposition has a subject and a predicate. 
>    2. A subject may have predicates which are qualities existing at 
>    various times. (Such a subject is called a *substance*.) 
>    3. True propositions not asserting existence at particular times are 
>    necessary and analytic, but such as assert existence at particular times 
>    are contingent and synthetic. Thc latter depend upon final causes. 
>    4. The Ego is a substance. 
>    5. Perception yields knowlcdge of an external world, i.e. of existents 
>    other than myself and my states. 
> The fundamental objection to Leibniz's philosophy will be found to be the 
> inconsistency of the first premiss with the fourth and fifth; and in this 
> inconsistency we shall find a general objection to Monadism. 
> 5. Course of the present work 
>      * The course of the present work will be as follows: Chaptcrs II.-V. 
> will discuss the consequences of the first four of the above premisses, and 
> will show that they lead to the whole, or nearly the whole, of the 
> necessary propositions of the system. "*
> ** 
> [Roger Clough], [rcl...@verizon.net] <javascript:>
> 11/18/2012 
> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen
> ----- Receiving the following content ----- 
> *From:* Craig Weinberg <javascript:> 
> *Receiver:* everything-list <javascript:> 
> *Time:* 2012-11-17, 09:58:35
> *Subject:* Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: My embarassing misunderstanding 
> oftheintelligenceofcomputers
> On Saturday, November 17, 2012 6:26:12 AM UTC-5, rclough wrote: 
>>  Hi Craig Weinberg 
>> But not ONE field.
> Neither is the brain or body held together by one field.
>> [Roger Clough], [rcl...@verizon.net]
>> 11/17/2012 
>> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen
>> ----- Receiving the following content ----- 
>> *From:* Craig Weinberg 
>> *Receiver:* everything-list 
>> *Time:* 2012-11-16, 15:57:06
>> *Subject:* Re: Re: Re: Re: My embarassing misunderstanding of 
>> theintelligenceofcomputers
>> On Friday, November 16, 2012 8:42:24 AM UTC-5, rclough wrote: 
>>>  Hi Craig Weinberg 
>>> When I say that all bodies live, I failed to state that they must be 
>>> monads, which
>>> means that that they must be of one part.  I don't think mannekins would 
>>> qualify,
>>> nor cartoons, which aren't even bodies.  " Of one part" I think means 
>>> that there
>>> is something holding the thing (then a substance)  together in some way, 
>>> like life.
>>> Or an electromagnetic, biological,  or chemical field. 
>> But mannequins are held together by chemical and electromagnetic fields.
>>> [Roger Clough], [rcl...@verizon.net]
>>> 11/16/2012 
>>> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen
>>> ----- Receiving the following content ----- 
>>> *From:* Craig Weinberg 
>>> *Receiver:* everything-list 
>>> *Time:* 2012-11-16, 07:16:17
>>> *Subject:* Re: Re: Re: My embarassing misunderstanding of the 
>>> intelligenceofcomputers
>>> On Friday, November 16, 2012 5:55:41 AM UTC-5, rclough wrote: 
>>>>  Hi Craig Weinberg 
>>>> I agree with what you say, but there's no need to humanize
>>>> the coffee filters nor humanize intelligence or consciousness.
>>>> I'm not talking here about IQ. My point (speaking here as Leibniz)  is 
>>>> that 
>>>> nature down to the lowliest beings (a grain of sand) has intelligence 
>>>> of some sort. Nature is alive, and life is intelligence.   
>>> My point though is just because we put fibers into a mold or dots on a 
>>> page into a form we can recognize doesn't mean that we have created new 
>>> life and intelligence. There is a difference between assembling something 
>>> from tiny spatial-object parts and something reproducing itself from 
>>> teleological-experiential wholes. A mannequin is not a person. The plaster 
>>> and steel the mannequin is made of may certainly have a quality of 
>>> experience, and although it is hard to speculate on exactly what kinds of 
>>> experiences those are or what level of microcosm or macrocosm they are 
>>> associated with, one thing that I am quite certain of is that the plaster 
>>> and steel mannequin is not having the experience of a human person, no 
>>> matter how convincing of a mannequin it looks to us to be. The same goes 
>>> for cartoons, drawings, photos, movies..those things aren't alive or 
>>> intelligent, but they are made of things which, on some level, are capable 
>>> of sense participation. Computers are just a more pronounced example. As 
>>> they improve they may be more convincing imitations of our human 
>>> intelligence, but that quality of awareness is only a recorded reflection 
>>> of our own, it is not being generated by nature directly and it is neither 
>>> alive nor intelligent.
>>> Craig
>>>> [Roger Clough], [rclo...@verizon.net]
>>>> 11/16/2012 
>>>> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen
>>>> ----- Receiving the following content ----- 
>>>> *From:* Craig Weinberg 
>>>> *Receiver:* everything-list 
>>>> *Time:* 2012-11-15, 13:53:48
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Re: My embarassing misunderstanding of the intelligence 
>>>> ofcomputers
>>>> On Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:42:25 AM UTC-5, rclough wrote: 
>>>>>  Hi Craig Weinberg 
>>>>> Everything has at least some intelligence or consciousness, according 
>>>>> to Leibniz's metaphysics,
>>>>> even rocks.  But these "bare naked monads" are essentially in deep, 
>>>>> drugged  sleep and darkness,
>>>>> or at best drunk. Leibniz called such a state the unconscious way 
>>>>> before Freud and Jung.
>>>> I believe that there is an experience on the micro-level of what the 
>>>> coffee filter is made of - molecules held together as fibers maybe, bit I 
>>>> don't think that it knows or cares about filtering. It's like if you write 
>>>> the letters A and B on a piece of paper - I think there is an experience 
>>>> there on the molecular level, of adhesion, evaporation, maybe other 
>>>> interesting things we will never know, but I don't think that the letter A 
>>>> knows that there is a letter B there. Do you? I don't think the letters 
>>>> have a consciousness because they aren't actually beings, the patterns 
>>>> which they embody to us are in our experience, not independent beings.
>>>> Craig 
>>>>> [Roger Clough], [rcl...@verizon.net]
>>>>> 11/15/2012 
>>>>> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen
>>>>> ----- Receiving the following content ----- 
>>>>> *From:* Craig Weinberg 
>>>>> *Receiver:* everything-list 
>>>>> *Time:* 2012-11-12, 09:54:53
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: My embarassing misunderstanding of the intelligence of 
>>>>> computers
>>>>>  Doesn't mean that a coffee filter is intelligent too? If so, is a 
>>>>> series of coffee filters more intelligent than one? What about one with a 
>>>>> hole in it?
>>>>> Craig
>>>>> On Sunday, November 11, 2012 8:14:05 AM UTC-5, rclough wrote: 
>>>>>> Hi 
>>>>>> I was wrong. 
>>>>>> According to my own definition of intelligence-- that it is the 
>>>>>> ability of an entity, having at least some measure of free will, 
>>>>>> to make choices on its own (without outside help)--  a 
>>>>>> computer can have intelligence, and intelligence in no small measure. 
>>>>>> The ability to sort is an example. To give a simple example, a 
>>>>>> computer can sort information, just as Maxwell's Demon could, 
>>>>>> into two bins. Instead of temperature, it could just be a number. 
>>>>>> Numbers larger than A go into one bin, smaller than A go 
>>>>>> into another bin.  It does it all on its own, using an "if" 
>>>>>> statement. 
>>>>>> Roger Clough, rcl...@verizon.net 
>>>>>> 11/11/2012   
>>>>>> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 
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