
Not everybody agrees, but...

"Liberal Fascism

In the book, Goldberg argues that fascist movements were and are left-wing. He 
claims that both 
modern liberalism and fascism descended from progressivism, 
and that prior to World War II, "fascism was widely viewed as a progressive 
social movement 
with many liberal and left-wing adherents in Europe and the United States".[2] 

Goldberg writes that there was more to fascism than bigotry and genocide, and 
that those characteristics were not so much a feature of Italian fascism, but 
rather of German 
Nazism, which was allegedly forced upon the Italian fascists "after the Nazis 
had invaded northern 
Italy and created a puppet government in Salò."[3] 

He argues that over time, the term fascism has lost its original meaning and 
has descended 
to the level of being "a modern word for 'heretic,' branding an individual 
worthy of 
excommunication from the body politic", noting that in 1946, the socialist and 
writer George Orwell described the word as no longer having any meaning except 
to signify 
"something not desirable".[4][4][5]"

[Roger Clough], [] 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." - Woody Allen 
----- Receiving the following content -----  
From: meekerdb  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2013-01-06, 20:51:07 
Subject: Re: From nominalism to Scientifc Materialism Re: Is Sheldrakecredible? 
Ipersonally think so. 

On 1/6/2013 3:19 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:  
On 1/6/2013 4:56 PM, meekerdb wrote: 

On 1/6/2013 1:33 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:  
On 1/6/2013 3:49 PM, Roger Clough wrote: 

Hi Stephen P. King  

The word "must" implies forcible persuasion. 


    But the use of force to persuade is not the essence of fascism. Fascism is 
a governing system where the population can own property privately but the use 
of said property is dictated by the State. Most countries are fascistic. 

Only because you've taken a single attribute of Fascism and taken it to be a 
definition.  Fascism is the idea that a nation is a kind of super-being in 
which labor, industry, and government are *bound together into one* (hence the 
name) and the life of citizens takes meaning from how they serve their function 
as an element of The State.  This was further taken to imply that superior, 
i.e. Fascist, nations should bring this superior culture to other inferior, 
i.e. non-Fascist, nations by armed conquest. 

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the 
merger of state and corporate power." 
         --- Benito Mussolini. 

    Thank you, Brent, for this. ;-) I was trying to highlight the behavior of 
fascism in ways that do not invoke extraneous discussion. All that you added, 
while true, is irrelevant to my definition as it is representative of just one 
form of fascism, that of Mussolini's Italy. 

That's like saying Hitler's Germany was just one form of Nazism, or China 1945 
to 1976 was just one form of Maoism. 


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