On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote

>> Speaking of confusion, I am using the word "theology", as you admit in
>> the above, as it has been used for the last 1500 years. If you insist on
>> redefining common words (like God and theology) and give them your own
>> private meaning then confusion is inevitable; we need a language to
>> communicate and a language known to only one person is useless.
> > If you define theology as the term is used after its political
> perversion then I agree

I don't quite see how changing the meaning of a word is a perversion, one
meaning is as good as another as long as the meaning is self consistent and
known to all, but never mind. The important thing is that we both agree
that if we wish to communicate then it might be wise to assign meanings to
words as they have been assigned or 1500 years.

>  trivially with you.

Trivially?! If 2 people want to communicate then agreeing on what language
to do it in the the first thing they need to do.

> > You just confirm again that atheists defend the Roman terminology and
> theories.

Wow, calling a guy known for disliking religion religious, never heard that
one before, at least I never heard it before I was 12.

> you need to believe in the Fairy Tale Christian God to make you feel
> serious in disbelieving it.

Well yes obviously. I need to know what the hell they're saying before I
can believe or disbelieve it, if I don't know the meaning of the words
they're using then to me they're just making noises with their mouth,
noises that are neither true nor untrue.

>> With or without theology people had no trouble figuring out that there
>> is a reality, so did snails.
> >Impossible, or comp is false.

Fine, then comp is false. I never liked it anyway and still don't even know
what that made up word of yours means, every time I think I know you say it
means something that contradicts what you said it meant before and I'm back
at square one. So good reddens to bad rubbish. And now that we both agree
that whatever the hell it means comp is false there is no need to talk
about it further.

> > Here you betray that you really believe, in the pseudo-religious sense,

Wow, calling a guy known for disliking religion religious, never heard that
one before, at least I never heard it before I was 12.

> > You confirm my feeling that atheists might be only *naive* christians
> which are deeply unaware of their faith

 Wow, calling a guy known for disliking religion religious, never heard
that one before, at least I never heard it before I was 12.

>You really can't doubt that there might be any other notion of "God" than
> yours

 Many people, such as yourself, are willing to abandon the idea of God but
not the word "God".

  John K Clark

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