On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:51 PM, Johnathan Corgan <jcor...@aeinet.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My point is that if one takes atheism to be the rejection of all
>> conceptions of god, then because those ideas are conceptions of god from
>> various religions, then someone who remains atheist after exposure to those
>> ideas (rather than agnostic) has rejected them, and worse, has done so
>> without any justification.  This is anti-scientific because there is some
>> evidence for these propositions.  Even if that evidence does not convince
>> you, there is no reason to reject them until evidence comes out against the
>> theories on which they are based.
> This thread has devolved somewhat into arguing definitions, but I'll bite
> anyway.
> Anyone can posit theories or claims; it is up to those persons to present
> credible evidence supporting those claims.
> If the claims themselves are incoherent or not logically possible, no
> evidence can be presented.
> If the evidence presented in support of those claims is not actually
> supportive, or is not possible to evaluate, then no further action need be
> taken.
> If the evidence presented is simply that a proposition is possible, well,
> many things that are possible are still not true; this is not evidence.
> If the evidence presented is "I would like/feel happier/be less scared in
> a world where this is true", this is of course not evidence.
> If the evidence presented is "If this were true, it would be consistent
> with these other things that I believe are true", it is not evidence.
> If the evidence presented is "I can't make sense of the world unless this
> is true", it is not evidence.
> If the evidence presented is "Everyone believes this, you should too", it
> is not evidence.
> If the evidence presented is "Believe this or we will kill you", it is not
> evidence.
> In all these cases, there is no burden on anyone else to reject these
> assertions, as no evidence has been presented in support of them.
> In the realm of theistic beliefs, we were all born lacking any; we were
> all born atheists.  Some people have come to believe various religious
> claims as true, and thus have become theists of different varieties.
> For some of us, these claims have never risen beyond any of the categories
> above, and hence we remain atheists, without the need to "reject" anything,
> having not taken any action whatsoever.  We simply remain in our state of
> lacking any theistic beliefs.

I would say such a stance is more properly called agnosticism than atheism,
but as you said, this just devolves into an argument over definitions.

> We do not need to encounter specific evidence against these sorts of
> claims.
> So if you have a specific claim to make, and actual evidence to support
> it, we'll listen.

I'm not making any specific claims at this time.

> But we don't start out as "rejecting all conceptions of God"; we're just
> happily living our lives and not spending much time worrying about these
> matters, except perhaps recently on this mailing list.

That position (following the semicolon) is perfectly reasonable to me, and
I have no issues with it.


> Johnathan Corgan
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