By the way the SA article is here:

On 7 November 2013 16:52, LizR <> wrote:

> On 7 November 2013 16:33, meekerdb <> wrote:
>> OK, but that doesn't alleviate the confusion. If anything it makes it
>> worse. What exactly can we deduce from the entropy of the observable
>> universe being approximately maximal when measured by other means, given
>> that the BB apparently places a bound on the entropy that can exist inside
>> a given volume? Assuming the universe to be, say, 250 times larger than the
>> hubble sphere (for the sake of argument) the BB would say that the maximum
>> entropy it can contain is 62,500 times the entropy of the hubble sphere.
>> No it doesn't say that.  The BB applies to an event horizon, not just any
>> spherical volume.  In an expanding universe there is only one specific
>> radius where the boundary is moving away at c, and that's an event horizon.
> I could have sworn that JB's article in Scientific American said this
> applied to *any* sphere. The impression I got was that If the sphere
> isn't an event horizon, it's because the information within it is less than
> the BB. Once you pile enouigh stuff into it to exceed the BB you get a
> black hole. Or did I misunderstand what he was saying?
> I had a look on the fount of all knowledge and it doesn't mention that the
> BB only applies to event horizons ...
> In fact I think it implies that an event horizon forms when the
> information content of the enclosed volume reaches the BB....I think....!
> So my question stands.
>> As to what we can deduce from it...that's a good question.
> It would seem to have interesting cosmological implications. (I'm not sure
> what they are, though!) Maybe that the hubble sphere is an event horizon -
> which I guess it is, from our viewpoint.

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