On 09 Nov 2013, at 17:56, John Mikes wrote:

One more remark:
the " H O N E S T " heirs? super-rich they may be? Do you find an honestly accumulated heirloom to inherit? Did they work productively/ honestly to be 'rich'?

That's an interesting question. It is a particular case of "can we give money?".

I don't know. Surely parents can make gifts to their children, but even that is not clear to me, and in some case a child can got the feeling that his affection is bought, and that is perilous for the genuine affection he can have.

Money has common point with energy and love. That needs to be handled with some caution. Inheritance? Why not? In some case that might work better than an expensive non working social security taxes system. I think you raise a very difficult question which has no global answers and depends on local traditions and way of life.

Honesty relies in clear basic (voted) rules, and their application to all people, where they apply.

Also, there is a problem with lobbying, and we should find a way to separate money and politics, but when some proportion of cheaters have power, that can take time.



On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 11:50 AM, John Mikes <jami...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 06 Nov 2013, at 17:25, meekerdb wrote:

On 11/6/2013 12:58 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

There is nothing wrong being rich, unless the money is stolen money, and that's the case today.

There's nothing morally wrong with being rich, but it creates an ethical problem. Being much wealthier than others bestows a lot of power. If there is no effective government (like parts of Somalia) then the rich hire a personal army to protect their property. Where there is government, the police protect their property and the rich attempt to control the government through propaganda and buying influence. So long as the rich are not so rich as to live in a different 'world' than the middle class and they are relatively diverse this works OK. But the system seems to be unstable in that the rich can and do use their wealth and power to get more wealth and power - and not necessarily productively. So those who inherit wealth tend to gain even more wealth. Society needs to do something to stabilize the system and prevent the increasing concentration of wealth.

I completely agree. The problem is that with money, you can produce more money in two ways, honestly or dishonestly....

Bruno, before I touch the "basics" - could you explain what you would consider to produce M O R E money HONESTLY? Same question to Brent's text above: that the rich can and do use their wealth and power to get more wealth and power - and not necessarily productively.

I don't see a 'productive' way how 'the rich' get more wealth and power by using their wealth and power. It is exploitation, political scam, bribery, terrorism, etc. - all in the framework of accepted "morals" of the system (either capitalist, or fascist).

I recall some basics (I am no 'Socialist') from Marx:
NOBODY owns Nature so any natural products (mining, farming, or other) are valued 'honestly' as recompensation for the efforts invested into the natural process "for getting money" - honestly - productively, without exploitation. Does any mine-owner work on his product? Does any Farming conglomerated stockholder work honestly on the crop? I do not advocate the CEO to sweep the floor: there is tasks' - organization in which everyone has a "role to perform", but are the roles proportionately paid for? Mao tried to switch 'roles' temporarily - he failed. Lenin realized that such just distribution is impossible in today's society and postulated FIRST the development of som "COMMUINST" MAN who lives up to such 'just distribution' of benefits - surely realizing the impossibility of such development. All other ("Socialist?") countries suffered from the same malaise as the (democraticly?) capitalistic ones: the leadership and its power usurped wealth, acquired MONEY and POWER on the back of the 'not so fortunate' exploited majority.
Alas, I have no solution to remedy the situation.
Re-hire Dr. Guillotine is unrealistic.

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 06 Nov 2013, at 17:25, meekerdb wrote:

On 11/6/2013 12:58 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

There is nothing wrong being rich, unless the money is stolen money, and that's the case today.

There's nothing morally wrong with being rich, but it creates an ethical problem. Being much wealthier than others bestows a lot of power. If there is no effective government (like parts of Somalia) then the rich hire a personal army to protect their property. Where there is government, the police protect their property and the rich attempt to control the government through propaganda and buying influence. So long as the rich are not so rich as to live in a different 'world' than the middle class and they are relatively diverse this works OK. But the system seems to be unstable in that the rich can and do use their wealth and power to get more wealth and power - and not necessarily productively. So those who inherit wealth tend to gain even more wealth. Society needs to do something to stabilize the system and prevent the increasing concentration of wealth.

I completely agree. The problem is that with money, you can produce more money in two ways, honestly or dishonestly. Once a few "fake money" (based on a lie) appears, it corrupts the whole system, and the society get pyramidal, with a higher gap between poor and rich, and eventually this crush down.

We must think about a way to prevent that. Some state can play a role. But we have to get rid of the bandits first, and there is an easy way: legalize all drugs. Regulate them, and tax them proportionally by the "real" harm (that is measured by statistics no more confusing a -> b and b -> a) they do.

May be that is not enough. Prohibitionists should be judged. We have to get spiritual or mature enough to understand that.

The state must ensure the fairness of competition among products, their traceability, the presence of notice with the secondary effects, etc. But the state has nothing to say about what is good or not for any one. That's between you and you, with the help of your shaman if you decide so, but it is your decision, to say "yes" or "no" to this or that shaman.

Stopping prohibition will not solve all problems. But continuing prohibition aggravates the situation, ... except for the super- riches and the bandits.



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