[] On Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: Our Demon-Haunted World



On 11 Nov 2013, at 18:49, wrote:

A Grand Council of Truth? 



>>Certainly not. Honesty is not "knowing truth". It is just being able to
correct oneself when being shown wrong. It is very simple, if they were not
jealousy, vanity, pride, and things like that.


Good point. but we are wrapped up in these other emotions and often driven
by them, some more than others for sure, but all of us - if we are honest
with ourselves -- to some degree on some occasions (no shame & no blame) We
are so wrapped up in all of this that it drives us to hotly deny that
anything of the sort could possibly be so; we cannot even begin admitting to
it. Naturally there is a whole range of personality types along the
spectrum; perhaps some humans have transcended it all. they say Buddha did,
but the rest of us to one degree or another suffer from our own blind

It is a struggle within sometimes to not fall into these all too easy to
fall into habits and their blind unthinking way of supplying the mind with
readymade answers. This very quick, but unthinking mechanism makes sense in
a field survival situation, where there is no time for thought to slow down
response. Just some cardinal trigger and there is an immediate amplification
of the signal in the brain and an immediate zoom to the fore of our minds.
Often, especially in situations, such as can develop on internet discussion
groups, primitive instincts take over - I have seen it, so have you, so has
everyone here. Passion can drive instinctive behavioral modes to the fore.
Re-learning the inner being living inside the mind is rather much a lifelong
pursuit - for after all we are a moving target, and if we do not keep a
certain vigilance we all risk falling into habitual modes of mind.



And, you already know where I am going with this. One night, while dining at
a restaurant, a good one, the High Reasoner, meets with an old friend to
discuss the new FIFA rules issued for the World Cup. The friend slides over
a closed sports magazine. "Have a look at this article in the middle, here."
Inside the magazine is a rather thick envelope.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 11, 2013 3:06 am
Subject: Re: Our Demon-Haunted World


On 11 Nov 2013, at 01:27, wrote:

Ok, but this is a technique for priming the intellectual pump. If it
produces nothing good, nothing powerful, then this method would be a
complete failure. 


It seems to me that this works very well, as long as the society is below
some level of corruption, in which case you can be misinfoirmed, and by not
knowing it and being honest, you spread the lies and this leads to problem
soon or later. Problems comes from the liars, but also from the people who
have been lied. It is very often hard to delineate them.






-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sun, Nov 10, 2013 2:49 pm
Subject: Re: Our Demon-Haunted World


On 09 Nov 2013, at 19:09, wrote:

I am emphasizing having governments print out (Keynes style) absolutely,
colossal, amounts of cash, as a reward for coming up with excellent disease
treatments and cures, human solar system tours, and clean energy solution,
environmental remediation. If the banks won't fund researchers, then private
equity will, if private equity won't then a million contributors-open
source-will, provided they get a cut of the reward offered by a government
prize. I wouldn't be shocked if you, Professor, Marchal, might summon up 25
ECU's in exchange for receiving 3000 ECU's or Golden Yuans, in payment, 5
years later.  



Only if this reflects some honest contracts.


Honesty is not just "moral", it is something which elevates a lot the real
value of money. It generates trust. 


Be honest. 

If you don't try to be honest for the calm of your conscience, do it for the
wealth of your children.


Today big corporations are based on lies. That's the problem.






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