2013/11/12 meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net>

> On 11/11/2013 5:04 PM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:
>> Every science whose conclusions have effects in politics has a high risk
>> of being manipulated. In the URSS and here. From Anthropology to long term
>> Meteorology to everything in the middle. The one that does not realize that
>> is poor fool who does not know how the world works and has replaced with
>> all his innocent stupidity the fairy tales of the past with the fairy tales
>> of supposed sciences.
>> If you read the mails of the East Anglia Climategate scandal, One of the
>> main concern of the Warmists were about to keep in control over the peer
>> reviewing mechanism of the main scientific magazines Long interchanges of
>> mails were devoted to talk about stablishing barriers in the peer reviewed
>> magazines by perverting the PR mechanisms.
> Because they had already seen the process being manipulated by the well
> funded Deniers and their political allies.
> This is laughable. Not a SINGLE article against human warming was publised
in the main scientific magazines and you said that the process was
perverted by the "deniers"? I have no option  but to think that you believe
en evil deamons with telepathic powers that try to hide your coming
apocalypse.  And you are right. I´m one of them. This night, by black
magic, I will appear in your dreams and I will torment you. Careful whit me.

>> The fact is that peer reviewing is not a guaranty, on the contraty. It
>> acts as an ideological filter  rather than as a quality filter in every
>> discipline in which politics and scientists benefit from mutual cooperation
>> by interchanging money for ideological ammunition.
> Yes, some scientists might be biased - so we should assumed you deniers
> have the truth on the basis of no evidence except that in the past some
> scientists have been biased.

You have your WW apocalypse, to believe in. But because you will be sooner
or later ridiculed by reality, I recommend you to search for a
replacement.. What about the end of the ozone layer? no..that has been in
fashion time ago but it gains momentum every winter. What about the peak
oil? Nah, fracking ended it,although our ecoalarmist comrades are doing
whatever they can to stop this menace against our beloved apocalypse.  I
recommend you to study the chemtrails. They are the true menace.

End of transmission from Mars. bip bip

> Brent
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