As I see it, the problem is connecting atmospheric disaster events to
global warming.
I have been looking for such a connection in the scientific literature and
even in AGW blogs w/o success.

Before going into physics I was an undergraduate student of mechanical
In our fluid dynamic classes we learned that if you put more energy into a
turbulent system, such as the atmosphere,
then the turbulent fluctuations (read storms) vastly out pace the average
increase of energy (read global temp).

I recall some expressions of the relationship of fluctuations to averages,
but that was in the 1950s.
If any of you have read of such a relationship to explain the increased
intensity of storms
please let me know (with both barrels) and provide a link if possible.

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 10:25 PM, LizR <> wrote:

> On 12 November 2013 22:56, Alberto G. Corona <> wrote:
>>> This is laughable. Not a SINGLE article against human warming was
>> publised in the main scientific magazines and you said that the process was
>> perverted by the "deniers"? I have no option  but to think that you believe
>> en evil deamons with telepathic powers that try to hide your coming
>> apocalypse.  And you are right. I´m one of them. This night, by black
>> magic, I will appear in your dreams and I will torment you. Careful whit me.
> Or you could look at TV advertising, with big expensive ads for cars, or
> at the paper with pull out sections which are trying to sell cars, or you
> could look at the TV news, which despite reporting virtually a new climate
> related disaster every week now, hardly ever mentions that it might be
> linked to global warming (unless it's to point out that "no single storn
> can be directly linked to global warming" - the only mention I've heard
> recently). Now add up how many people read science magazines and how many
> watch car adverts on TV.
> Now maybe you can see who is in charge of shaping our opinions.
> When car ads are banned, as cigarette ads are, there may be some tiny
> amount of truth in what you say. (Although by the time *that* happens,
> Auckland will probably be underwater.)
> But until then, the deniers are firmly in control.
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