For a time, to answer your baby kicks has been amusing. But I have limited

2013/11/12 Chris de Morsella <>

> Climategate a Fox News generated tempest in a teacup. Much ado about
> stupid human behavior in order to keep the focus off of the salient facts
> that global mean temperatures have been rising (within the backdrop of
> natural weather cycles, such as the El Nino oscillation); that global mean
> sea levels have been rising; that both Antarctica and Greenland have been
> losing ice mass balance, as established by satellite gravinometric
> measurements & and independently by a European radar study of these ice
> masses. Glaciers are disappearing at breakneck speed all over the world –
> Glacier National Park (near where I live will soon have no more glaciers)!
> Focus instead on the petty sniping emails of some bureaucrats – clearly a
> much more important angle…. Only in the distorted universe of faux news.
> There are literally trillions of dollars of future evaluations at stake in
> this and the fossil carbon barons of the world will do everything in their
> power to preserve this future evaluation, because their current wealth is
> tied to what the market place thinks these coal, oil, gas (and oil-like
> deposits of tar etc.) reserves will be worth. Any serious global shift off
> of burning carbon fuels in order to mitigate global warming would slash the
> value of these reserves and hence the current assets of these billionaires.
> This is far more financial motive than the petty bureaucratic maneuvering
> faux news has presented as the driving motive to manufacture this scary
> story of global warming – go to sleep take the blue pill, and above all
> keep burning coal…. Its just those crazed warmists… or so the often
> repeated denier meme goes.
> Besides isn’t climategate getting a little long on the tooth. Can’t you
> come up with some more recent scandal – some nefarious example of evil
> warmists inventing this scary movie in order to establish a totalitarian
> new world order and force everyone into the chains of communism
> Watch out for those black helicopters they are out to get you.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Alberto G. Corona
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 12, 2013 1:56 AM
> *To:* everything-list
> *Subject:* Re: Our Demon-Haunted World
> 2013/11/12 meekerdb <>
> On 11/11/2013 5:04 PM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:
> Every science whose conclusions have effects in politics has a high risk
> of being manipulated. In the URSS and here. From Anthropology to long term
> Meteorology to everything in the middle. The one that does not realize that
> is poor fool who does not know how the world works and has replaced with
> all his innocent stupidity the fairy tales of the past with the fairy tales
> of supposed sciences.
> If you read the mails of the East Anglia Climategate scandal, One of the
> main concern of the Warmists were about to keep in control over the peer
> reviewing mechanism of the main scientific magazines Long interchanges of
> mails were devoted to talk about stablishing barriers in the peer reviewed
> magazines by perverting the PR mechanisms.
> Because they had already seen the process being manipulated by the well
> funded Deniers and their political allies.
> This is laughable. Not a SINGLE article against human warming was publised
> in the main scientific magazines and you said that the process was
> perverted by the "deniers"? I have no option  but to think that you believe
> en evil deamons with telepathic powers that try to hide your coming
> apocalypse.  And you are right. I´m one of them. This night, by black
> magic, I will appear in your dreams and I will torment you. Careful whit me.
> The fact is that peer reviewing is not a guaranty, on the contraty. It
> acts as an ideological filter  rather than as a quality filter in every
> discipline in which politics and scientists benefit from mutual cooperation
> by interchanging money for ideological ammunition.
> Yes, some scientists might be biased - so we should assumed you deniers
> have the truth on the basis of no evidence except that in the past some
> scientists have been biased.
> You have your WW apocalypse, to believe in. But because you will be sooner
> or later ridiculed by reality, I recommend you to search for a
> replacement.. What about the end of the ozone layer? no..that has been in
> fashion time ago but it gains momentum every winter. What about the peak
> oil? Nah, fracking ended it,although our ecoalarmist comrades are doing
> whatever they can to stop this menace against our beloved apocalypse.  I
> recommend you to study the chemtrails. They are the true menace.
> End of transmission from Mars. bip bip
> Brent
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> Alberto.
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