Show me these models that are 0% accurate – that is very hard to achieve,
except in the land of polemics, which is where I suspect you reside.


[] On Behalf Of Alberto G. Corona 
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 2:45 AM
To: everything-list
Subject: Re: Global warming silliness




2013/11/15 LizR <>

So the measurements showing rising global temperatures and the noticeable
effects this is having, and the measured rise in CO2 since the industrial
revolution are irrelevant because the models aren't yet 100% accurate?

The models are 0% accurate.

The other aspects that you mention are flawed as well.


So let's sit on our hands and do nothing, just in case we make a better
world on the basis of false premises?


 Not at all. As I said before, I have my own shit to attend. but I don't
advocate to forbid you to do something for it. Feel free to do whatever you
want.  I encourage you to expend all your money in the "save the world" shit
with mekerdb and other like you in brotherhood and harmony together.  


Might even contribute to the movement. I will buy your next Documentary from
Al Gore et al. I definitively like scary movies.





Give me strength.



On 15 November 2013 23:11, Alberto G. Corona <> wrote:


There is a model of the earth nucleus. It is very good. Why?  Because it
behaves like the real nucleus. It invert polarity every 14000 years I
believe, dont want to fire up the wikipedia to get the real digits. That is
why it is a good model.


Just like climate models parameter values have been inferred by matching
past data.


I selected this paragraph alone to show that you, in your obfuscation, don´t
understand the difference between predicion (or retrodiction) and tweking
for  predicting (or retrodict) nothing AT ALL. 


That is why I said that it is a waste of time to discuss the apocalypse with
the apocalipticists. 


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