
Glad you seem to agree. I don't think about in those Wheelerian terms but 
that sounds pretty consonant with my thinking but there is a lot more to it 
as explained in Part III, Elementals of my book...


On Friday, December 27, 2013 2:13:29 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> Very good, Edgar. Do you now consider Wheeler's Participatory Anthropic 
> Principle, to not be involved as an observer, but instead, an 
> unconscious participant? As merely a point of laser light striking an 
> unaware photo-receptor?  It is there to measure, but no cognition 
> behind it. 
> Mitch 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Edgar L. Owen < <javascript:>> 
> To: everything-list < <javascript:>> 
> Sent: Fri, Dec 27, 2013 12:33 pm 
> Subject: Re: The 'Super Anthropic Principle' - why multiverses are not 
> needed and thus very unlikely 
> Spudboy, 
> Good question. 
> It has to be clearly understood that an observer is always a 
> participant in the event he observes. An observation is always an event. 
> Physics tends to think of observers as standing outside the events they 
> observe, but what they really do is participate in subsequent events to 
> the particular event they imagine they are observing. E.g. a human 
> observer does not actually observe the quantum event he is usually 
> talking about except through a chain of other events terminating in his 
> visual participation with a measuring device, which is of course 
> another set of quantum events, since all events are quantum events. 
> So, in a general sense, all participants in every event, even down to 
> the particle level, act as observers of that event, and information 
> about events flows computationally through networks of connected 
> events.  
> In my book on Reality I call this 'The Sherlock Holmes Principle' and 
> it is the basis of all knowledge, both scientific knowledge and the 
> knowledge of direct experience. 
> Edgar 
> On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:14:04 PM UTC-5, 
> wrote:Not to be dense, but what are you defining as participant versus 
> observer? 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Edgar L. Owen &lt;; 
> To: everything-list &lt;; 
> Sent: Thu, Dec 26, 2013 7:25 am 
> Subject: Re: The 'Super Anthropic Principle' - why multiverses are not 
> needed and thus very unlikely 
> Spudboy, 
> There is no observer in the usual sense of a human observer needed for 
> quantum events. But in effect every participant in a quantum event acts 
> as an observer of that event. The theory of decoherence has rightfully 
> superseded the old mistaken notion of an observer 'causing' a 
> wavefunction collapse, if that's what you are referring to. 
> Edgar 
> On Wednesday, December 25, 2013 11:52:10 AM UTC-5, Edgar L. Owen 
> wrote:All, 
> ST=spacetime, c=speed of light, thus STc Principle. 
> To answer some of Jason's questions. Block time is wrong. Only the 
> common present moment exists. All the comments Jason makes refer only 
> to differences in clock times which are well known, but the important 
> point is that all those differences in clock time occur in the SAME 
> common present moment.. I find it difficult to understand why so many 
> people can't get their minds around the difference which proves there 
> are two distinct kinds of time. 
> The past exists only as inferences from the present as to what states 
> would have resulted in the present according to the currently known 
> laws of physics. Therefore the past is actually determined by the 
> present state of reality from the perspective of the present which is 
> the only valid perspective. Therefore the logical network of past and 
> present is absolute 100% exact and could not have been different in 
> even the slightest detail. The actual currently state of the universe 
> falsifies the very possibility of other pasts. This is another 
> difficult concept for many.  
> Only the future is probabilistic because it does not yet exist and has 
> never been computed. But the past - present logical state has been 
> actually computed and thus is completely deterministic now that it 
> exists and it could not have been different in any minute detail at all. 
> This solves the problem of the original fine tuning. Given the current 
> state of reality which is all that exists, all other conceivable fine 
> tunings are impossible. This is what I call the 'Super Anthropic 
> Principle', and it negates the necessity and probably the actuality of 
> postulating any multiverses and strongly implies our observable 
> universe is most probably the only one that exists. 
> Edgar 
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