On 6 February 2014 13:38, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 2/5/2014 9:31 AM, Jesse Mazer wrote:
> --question 1 dealt with the question of how YOU would define p-time
> simultaneity in a cosmological model where there's no way to slice the 4D
> spacetime into a series of 3D surfaces such that the density of matter is
> perfectly uniform on each slice (and that uniform can be characterized by
> the parameter Omega), unlike in the simple FLRW model where matter is
> assumed to be distributed in this perfectly uniform way.
> I don't see that perfect uniformity is necessary.  We have calculated our
> epoch relative to the CMB as 13.8By.  I assume any other scientific species
> in the universe could do the same and so say whether they were 'at the same
> time' as measured by expansion of the cosmos.  I don't see how the
> existence of galaxies and galaxy clusters precludes this kind of
> measurement.
> This will surely be accurate to within a few % ?

(What was that theory that dark energy is the result of clock times varying
from one point in the universe to another, so relative voids were rather
older than galaxies?)

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