On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Edgar L. Owen <edgaro...@att.net> wrote:

> Jesse,
> Your condition C. was not example dependent. You just need to rephrase
> your condition C. as two observers with no relative motion AND in identical
> gravitational fields. Then it does hold and is consistent with conditions A
> and B. I already gave several examples.

But I gave a different example where it leads to inconsistent conclusions,
are you going to address that? In my example, Alice and Bob have no
relative motion and are both in identical gravitational fields (zero
gravitational fields, since this is an SR flat spacetime example).
Likewise, Arlene and Bart have no relative motion and are both in identical
gravitational fields (again, zero). The only comparisons I made between
members of different pairs were ones that involved their passing next to
each other and comparing clock readings at the same point in spacetime, so
their relative motion shouldn't be an issue (I'm pretty sure you've said
before that you agree that if SR predicts two clocks meet at a single point
in spacetime, their two readings at that point must be simultaneous in

Please just look over the Alice/Bob/Arlene/Bart example I gave at
tell me if you disagree with any of the numbered conclusions about
p-time simultaneity 1-4.


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