On 17 February 2014 00:29, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:

You don't suggest that I can't understand comp, but you suggest that I am
> impervious to reasoned argument about it...why would that be the case if I
> understood comp as you seem to think it deserves to be understood?

You said that I understood that you could not possibly understand comp. I
have never said that nor do I believe it. I do however expect that you will
persist in attacking a parody of comp of your own devising as long as you
fail to engage with the genuine argument in its own terms and this is not
necessarily so easy. But not only is genuine understanding not equivalent
to acceptance, it is the only generally accepted route to refuting any
argument on reasonable grounds. When I previously suggested this, you
deflected my proposal with some slightly disturbing remarks about seduction
and Kool-Aid (which I presume to be some delightful US beverage
unfortunately unavailable in my neighbourhood). Oh, and some tendentious
psycho-babble about too-clever people losing touch with common sense, as I

I don't know whether you regard me as a die-hard defender of comp, but I
certainly don't see myself in that light. My own original predilections
tended towards sensory-motive ideas and the so-called computational theory
of mind seemed to me to be obviously wrong-headed, based on arguments not
dissimilar to Searles' classic Chinese Room. The idea of the reversal of
comp-physics simply hadn't occurred to me before I encountered Bruno's
theory and I have spent the last six or seven years, off and on, trying to
follow the ramifications of his argument, which goes well beyond the
mind-body problem in isolation. In fact, the comp-physics reversal places
observation at the axis of the world-problem as a whole, something that is
now curiously reflected in recent developments in cosmological theory. But,
like any theory, it is permanently open to refutation.

I suspect that much of your own opposition to comp (or what you imagine it
entails) is, in effect, political and indeed you yourself have sometimes
suggested as much. This prior commitment is reflected in your manner of
deflecting arguments and questions somewhat in the manner of a lawyer
defending his brief, even when they concern the details of your own theory.
But frankly, I still don't understand why you wouldn't risk a sip of the
Kool-Aid just out of native curiosity. What have you to lose?


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