Based on reading the white papers on the LFTR design proposals (that I have 
been able to see) they all seem to  incorporate a fail-safe (lower melting 
point) plug that will melt if the reactor begins to overheat (and well before 
it melts down) and the liquid salt/fuel mix will rapidly drain into a dispersed 
catchment area in which all reactions will come to a very rapid stop (by the 
liquid salt fuel mixture getting physically spread out and also potentially 
dampened down by neutron absorbing casing materials)

LFTR reactor designs have been tested (a long time ago at Oak Ridge) and these 
types have the potential to burn up over 99% of the fertile material (e.g. the 
Thorium) as it is transmuted into U233 and the decay products.

Of all the GenIV breeder types LFTR seems to me to be the variant with the best 
safety profile and resource availability profile (lots of recoverable Thorium). 
However even if a big country like the US went all out to develop this electric 
energy generation technology -- the question remains how many years (decades 
more realistically) would it take to develop a reference design that has been 
engineered, tested etc. and has had all the kinks worked out (at the pilot 
plant level) and then to build out the LFTR infrastructure (from mining, 
refining, to re-refining, to the plants themselves and the waste processing and 
long term storage of the wastes that are not burned up in the breeder (medium 
term waste can still present half lives of a hundred years or so)

I am not sure what the energy landscape of our world will be in twenty to 
thirty years -- but based on the peaking of all liquid fuels and of high grade 
coal as well it is going to have to be very different than the current fossil 
fuel based electric energy generation infrastructure we all depend on. Because 
the lead times are so long (at least 20-30 years) it is hard to predict how far 
the per unit cost of the market leader in solar PV will be at that point. If it 
continues to fall along the trend lines for decreasing unit costs that have 
prevailed for the last four or five decades then it may not even make sense to 
invest in them as Solar PV will become the low cost supply.


 From: John Clark <>
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 5:50 PM, LizR <> wrote:

> Would this have happened if Japan had been using subcritical reactors with 
> thorium fuel?

If it were a Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR) and the cowardly operators 
saw the Tsunami coming and ran for the hills and completely abandoned the plant 
then the liquid Thorium fuel (Thorium dissolved in un-corrosive molten Fluoride 
salts) would get hot, and that would expand the liquid, and that would cause 
the fuel to get less dense, and that would cause the nuclear reaction to slow 
down. Then a freeze plug at the bottom of the reactor would melt and the liquid 
fuel would drain out by gravity (no pumps would be needed) into a holding tank 
and the reaction would stop completely and the reactor would enter a safe mode. 
All this is assuming that the operators were completely incompetent and never 
lifted a finger to help the situation.  

And because the liquid Fluoride salt is not under pressure as water is in the 
Fukushima plant  leaks would be far less likely and much less catastrophic even 
if they did occur.

  John K Clark

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