On 21 February 2014 14:48, chris peck <chris_peck...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Liz
>>>Suppose for the sake of argument that the matter transmitter sends you to
>>> another solar system where you will live out the reminder of your life.
>>> Maybe you committed some crime and this is the consequence, to be
>>> "transported" :) A malfunction causes you to be duplicated and sent to both
>>> destinations, but you will never meet your doppelganger in the other solar
>>> system, or find out that he exists.
> Does this make any difference to how you assign probabilities? If so, why?
> My probabilities get assigned in the same way. ie: chance of seeing solar
> system A is 1. I can't assign a probability of seeing Solar System B if I
> don't know about the possibility of accidents. But,
> If I know that there is a small chance of the accident you describe then the
> probabilities end up:
> Solar System A : 1
> Solar System B : small chance.
> Note that the probability of seeing Solar System A doesn't end up (1-small
> chance) as far as I am concerned.
> Also note that in the MWI example, where small chances require a world of
> their own, the probabilities end up:
> Solar System A : 1
> Solar System B : 1.
> So the probabilities work out slightly differently. I'm sure its an
> unpopular view but as I see it probabilities, however small, get rounded up
> to 1 in MWI scenarios.
> All the best

Since in the world we live in probabilities for everything don't seem
to be 1, is this evidence that the MWI is false? Is it even logically
possible to be an observer in a multiverse where everything happens
with probability 1, and if so, what would it be like?

Stathis Papaioannou

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