On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>  I can say today that I am the guy having answered your post of last week.

But if duplicating chambers exist then there are lots of people who could
say exactly the same thing, so more specificity is needed.

> >> and neither is experiencing Helsinki right now, therefore Mr. he sees
>> neither Washington nor Moscow.
> > So, this is my first post to you,

Bruno Marchal has certainly sent other posts to John Clark, but if
duplicating chambers exist it's not at all clear who Mr. my is.

> > despite I remember having sent other post?

The question is ambiguous because lots and lots of people in addition to
Mr. I remember the exact same thing.

> > If Mr he sees neither W or M, then he died,

If Bruno Marchal wants to invent a new language and that's what the words
"death" and "he"  are decreed to mean then fine, but to be consistent John
Clark and Bruno Marchal of yesterday would have to be dead too. And it
should be noted that invented languages make communication with others
difficult, just look at Esperanto, and John Clark thinks that deep
philosophical discussions are difficult enough as they are even if
conducted in a mutually agreed upon language, so more obstacles to
understanding are not needed.

>  > and then comp is false.

That's fine, I don't give a hoot in hell if the incoherent grab bag of
ideas you call "comp" is false or not. The word is your invention not mine
and you're the only one who seems to know exactly what it means.

>  > We also died each time we measure a spin, or anything.

Then the word "died" doesn't mean much.

> > In AUDA this is a confusion

You have forgotten IHA.

> > between []p and []p & <>t.

How in the world could anybody be confused between []p and []p & <>t
especially if they had a nice low mileage AUDA convertible to help them get
around town?

> > you believe we have refuted comp. That would be a gigantic discovery

Not to me it wouldn't! I don't care if "comp" is true or false because I
don't believe "comp" is worth a bucket of warm spit.

> > Pronouns does not introduce any problem,

Personal pronouns like all pronouns are just a sort of shorthand that were
invented to save time and for no other reason,  they generally cause no
trouble as long as the referent is clear. And yet it is a fact that Bruno
Marchal is simply incapable of expressing ideas about the unique nature of
personal identity without using personal pronouns. Why? Could it be because
by using them and the assumption of uniqueness of identity they engender it
makes it much easier to prove the uniqueness of identity? After all it is
well known that proofs become somewhat easier to write if Bruno Marchal
just assumes what Bruno Marchal is trying to prove. And if ideas are
unclear the language should be too; a bad idea clearly expressed is easy to
identify as bad, but a bad idea expressed in murky language can sometimes
sound impressive if it's murky enough.

> > when you agree that after the duplication we are both copies in the 3p
> view

Yes. And you once said something abut "the future 1p" of the Helsinki man,
well that description would fit 2 people because both remember being the
Helsinki man.

> > and only one of them, in the 1p view.

Only one? So which one is the phony, the Washington Man or the Moscow Man?

> > I am happy you think it is a world class discovery, but let us be
> modest, it is a reminder that the mind-body problem is not solved, and that
> "science" has not decided between Aristotle and Plato. The discovery (the
> thesis) is in the math part

I too have discovered a new sort of indeterminacy that involves math and it
is very very similar to the sort you discovered; I add 2 to the number 3
and I add 8 to the number 3. The number 3 can't predict if it will end up
as a 5 or as a 11. I believe my discovery is just as profound as yours. Not

  John K Clark

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