On 6 Apr 2014, at 5:40 pm, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> So do you classify religion as a conspiracy?  Do you think clergy are really 
>> all atheists and are just conspiring to fool others?
> I am pretty sure of this.
> Do you think that a christian believer of the top would protect the children 
> molester, and this in a way making them continue the misdoing for 20 years?
> Bruno

Organised, public religion is quite simply the biggest conspiracy theory of all 
time. It has been a front for power play ever since someone realised that you 
can simply tout a personal set of "revelations" in public and people will swoon 
and fall into line behind you.

Church + Education + Politics = The Holy Trinity of Conformity. 

These three groups, each individually and in concert with each other, make me 
feel very disturbed about the future most of the time. Particularly since you 
have one, (The Catholic Church) which has moved into and colonised another, 
(Education) and is currently being evaluated for all the damage it has caused 
there with the growing scandal involving the shielding of child-abusing priests 
and pedophilic clergy generally. Roman Catholicism is revealed today as about 
pretty much nothing more than a creche for kiddy abusers. 

Jesus said " suffer the Iittle children to come unto me."

Each of the members of The Holy Trinity of Conformity worships its own past and 
its history to excess. Each promotes the mistaken belief that to study the 
lessons of History is the only way that "mistakes" will be avoided in the 

There is a lack of generative, creative thinking skills in The Holy Trinity of 

Every day we hear of the lapse of taste or the outright corruption and fall 
from grace of people sitting in and between these 3 very special and very 
powerfully self-serving groups. Each of these power groups assists the other as 
a real tri-une force for social control. One can only hold the greatest fear 
for the production of honest and audacious priests, teachers and politicians, 
since everyone must submit to the HToC. 

A priest who was married in secret was thrown out of his parish by the Catholic 
Church. Decades of sexual abuse of students by religious people has gone 
unreported and undealt-with. Politicians reveal their lack of vision, their 
misogyny, their sycophancy for religion and all manner of horrific prejudices 
and fascist-tendencies on a daily basis on the floor of the parliament - and 
children are meant to derive some kind of role-model from these people. 

I could go on, but I think you may have the gist of it by now. 

Kim Jones B. Mus. GDTL

Email:   kimjo...@ozemail.com.au
Mobile: 0450 963 719
Phone:  02 93894239
Web:     http://www.eportfolio.kmjcommp.com

"Never let your schooling get in the way of your education" - Mark Twain

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