[] On Behalf Of Alberto G. Corona 
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 8:00 AM
To: everything-list
Subject: Re: Climate models


sex orientation can not be changed, neither a matrimony can be other than a
man and a woman,  neither climate can be changed by little ants like us,
neither internationalism can be a genuine feeling, neither supranational
identities can be fabricated, neither woman can live without depending on
ideas and societies essentially made by men. Neither abortion can be
promoted without immense pain in women  for the assassination of  his child.


Did you just step out of the medieval era?  You made a lot of incendiary
assertions here, which you do not back up with any facts or reasoned
argument beyond your stating of these "facts", which are characterized by
being unsupported by anything besides your dogma. This is medieval church
dogma operating through your believer brain; it is not fact at all. 

It is a pleasant feeling to know that your views are rapidly dying out in
the more enlightened parts of the planet. soon the only places you will be
able to find people who share in your medieval mindset, is in backward spots
of the earth, such as areas controlled by the Taliban. I am sure they share
a lot of your same dogmatic views.. Different brand of religiousness of


But that does not mean that a bunch of autonsanctified international
delinquents can not make a living from idiots that believe in the idea that
"things are gonna change" "another world is possible" and "a catastrophe is
coming and we will not survive if the world do not do X" where X is
invariably something very painful that demand a lot of concentrated power in
a central elite.


Mr. dogma accuses others - those who do not share his dogma -- of being of
sanctimonious attitude. while in the same breath you sanctimoniously pour
out a bucketful of -factually and logically unsupported opinionated bullshit
that is the direct result of your own sanctimonious dogmatic mind.

How very rich.


In the same way that 80 years of mass killings demonstrated that an economy
can not be centrally planified, we are gonna suffer another cycle of wrong
ideas thanks to the new generation of idiots and their shepherds


Thanks for the insight Torquemada. Hate to break it to you, but you are on
the losing side of history. Enjoy your hatred.




2014-04-10 12:51 GMT+02:00 Telmo Menezes <>:



On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 4:37 AM, Stephen Paul King
<> wrote:

Read  Corona's post carefully. 


I did, and I find his general ideas interesting and worth considering. I
don't quire agree that space exploration cannot compete with religion. When
I was growing up, I was forced to go to catholic sunday school, and at the
same time I was obsessed with space exploration. The former just bore me to
tears, while the second gave me feelings of human transcendence. This video
still works better for me than all of the religious attempts at showing the


It is sad that we are currently regressing in many ways. We lost the ability
to do what that video shows, when we should be doing even more amazing
things, and eventually starting colonising other worlds. We are also
regressing in social ways, with the return of police states in the west and
so on. I don't think that's a coincidence. I hope it's a bump in the road.


On the other hand, we expanded inwards with the Internet. I believe we still
just saw the beginning of the transformative power of the Internet and the
things it will enable. The ones in power sense this too, and they are
fighting it. At the moment we seem to be heading in the direction of some
cyberpunk dystopia.


But back to the gay issue. If the assumption is that "gay promotion" is part
of a strategy to reduce the population, then that's just silly. If anything,
allowing gays to marry and be parents and adopt is only increasing the
carrying capacity of our environment.





On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 7:57 PM, Telmo Menezes <>



On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 1:47 AM, Stephen Paul King
<> wrote:

Dear Telmo,


  It isn't moralism if it has a measure that can be objectively defined.


Hi Stephan,


Could you tell me what measure you are referring to?



On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Telmo Menezes <>



On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Alberto G. Corona <>


On 7 April 2014 15:47, Stephen Paul King <> wrote:

Hi Liz,


 Why is there no interest in developing tech to get us off the planet? Why
is there a retreat into a bunker mentality?



The reason why the UN promotes Global Warming+ abortion+ feminism+ Gay
promotion  instead of international collaboration for space exploration and
expansion has some reasons:


Come on man, you say interesting things but then you get stuck in weird
religious moralism. What does "gay promotion" even mean? People can't change
their sexual orientation. It's not like you can make some ads or have
celebrity endorsements and the kids will be all "ohh cool, I'm going to be
gay!". I think what's happening here is that we are finally getting rid of
gay repression. There's not going to be a different percentage of gay people
one way or the other, just less people leading miserable lives for no good



first:  any menace related with resources and population is easier to sell I
will not name Hitler, but they are instinctive concerns since we were stone
age hunter gatherers. The hunter gatherers were after wild animals and wild
plants. They did not produced animals and plants as we produce now. So their
primitive mind of "limited resources" is in the modern man, despite our
hability to reproduce and substitute resources with our knowledge.


30.000 years ago, my province was inhabited with 3000 people that depleted
complely the resources and had to move to another place every year. Now we
are 3.000.000 in the same area, mostly unhabited still. An yet we live
better, there are probably more wild animals  and more forest.


But still there are stone-age minded people that ate human beings and "want
to save the planet". 


second: space exploration can not qualify for a religion, at least, not as a
totalitarian religion. The  Cult to the earth and human sacrifices will ever
qualify since it is the most primitive religion. Leaders want commited
people and this inevitably demand sacrifices, due to the nature of beings
with incomplete information. I explained it in this thread as well as others
in this group.




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Kindest Regards,

Stephen Paul King

Senior Researcher

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Kindest Regards,

Stephen Paul King

Senior Researcher

Mobile: (864) 567-3099 <tel:%28864%29%20567-3099>



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