On 4/10/2014 3:41 PM, Russell Standish wrote:
On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:33:54PM +0200, Alberto G. Corona  wrote:
If you are a woman that aborted, you know how much you suffered and
probably are suffering. I´m very sorry

This is an overt generalisation. A number of women have confided with
me about their abortions - some have described feeling of anguish and
remorse, as your describe, and other are simply thankful that part of
their lives (the pregant part, and the thought of a child they didn't
want) is over. It sounds like Liz might be in the second camp.

It is the woman's choice, and it has to be that way. Society's role is
to eliminate barriers to making that choice, and providing services to
make abortions medically safe for those who choose to proceed along
that path. No more backyard abortions, thank you!

Of course if the anti-abortion crowd weren't dominated by magical thinking, they'd be supporting Planned Parenthood, passing our contraceptives, and morning-after pills. THAT would reduce abortions.


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