On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 09:23:44AM -0700, John Ross wrote:
> The alpha particle is comprised of four protons repelling each other while 
> circling  in a tight circle and two electrons looping through the circular 
> path of the protons.  The four protons are attracted to the two electrons.  
> The Coulomb forces from the two electrons are effective in keeping the 
> protons circling.

OK lets start with this model. Two electrons do not provide sufficient
screening to turn the repulsive Coulomb force into an attractive
one. And attractive it must be - alpha particles are one of the most
stable forms of matter in the universe, with the release of its
binding energy being what powers the sun, hydrogen bombs and so on.

So can you give a rough explanation as to how your theory explains
this binding energy?

Does your theory distinguish between a helium atom and a deuterium
molecule?  It would appear that 4 electrons and 4 protons are involved
in both cases, according to your theory, yet chemically they couldn't
be more different. And why does it require enormous forces to turn one
into the other?

"Tight circle" implies a 2 dimensional geometry, which obviously
breaks the normal 3D rotational symmetry. In which direction is this
axis of rotation pointed in a typical alpha particle? Is it aligned
with the particle's direction of travel, or perpendicular to it?

BTW - the traditional explanation of all of this has the neutrons and
protons exchanging charged gluons, causing each hadron to exist in a
superposition of proton and neutron states. But exchanging particles
in this way is effectively force, and traditionally this force is called
the strong force, which is what you're trying to deny.


Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au

 Latest project: The Amoeba's Secret 

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