John Clark,


I assure you I am not a crackpot.  I am a graduate Nuclear Engineer, a Patent 
Attorney and Vice President Intellectual Property of a respected corporation 
engaged in important scientific research and development.  I am  a good friend 
of many brilliant scientist.  Most of them are also skeptical of my theory, but 
none of them has convinced me of any basic errors in my theory, other than it 
is inconsistent with existing accepted theories.


I have developed my “Theory of Everything “ through 13 years of hard work.  
Like all theories (like the relativity theories and the standard model) my 
theory may or may not be correct.  It is certainly not generally accepted by 
the scientific community like relativity and the standard model are.  The 
scientific  community is not yet even aware of my theory.  Other than my own 
friends and family, this chat group is the first people to be aware of it.  
This group has  asked a lot of good questions all of which I have tried to 
answer quickly; however, to my knowledge no one in  this group has read my 
book.  It is available at  And I have offered to send copies to 
several of this group who have appeared to be seriously interested in my 
theory.  I honestly believe  my theory is a great improvement over the standard 
model and relativity theories.  But I am not absolutely certain of that.  Time 
will tell.


In the meantime, Richard Feynman’s father was on the right track and Richard 
Feynman’s answer was not a good one.  Richard was correct that the photon was 
not  in the atom.  The photons that his father was talking about are much too 
large to fit in an atom.  However, as I have explained several times to this 
group the energy part of the photon is an entron.  The entron is two tronnies 
traveling in a circle at pi/2 times the speed of light.  The diameter d’ of the 
entron circle is: d’ = λ/1431 so  most entrons can easily fit inside and atom 
and there are many entrons inside of atoms.  There are even entrons inside of 
the nuclei of atoms.  When entrons escape from atoms or their nuclei they do so 
as photons.  A photon is an entron traveling in a circle at twice the speed of 
light and forward at the speed of light as I have explained before. 


Gamma  ray photons are entrons released from the nuclei of atoms and visible 
light photons are mostly entrons released from the electrons orbiting the 
nucleus  of atoms.  


I should not do this since your comments have been so nasty; however, believe 
it or not I appreciate them, since it gives me a chance explain details of my  
theory publically to a  serious skeptic.  So I make the same offer to you that 
I have made to others.  I will mail you a copy of my book free of charge if you 
will let me have your address.  If you don’t want to publish your address, you 
can call me at 858-646-5488 and leave your address on my voice recorder.   I 
won’t  even ask you to agree to read it although I would hope you would.


John Ross


[] On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2014 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: TRONNIES




On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 5:35 PM, LizR <> wrote:

> Apparently gamme rays are emitted by nuclei when they drop from an excited 
> state to a lower energy state (much as a lower energy photon can be emitted 
> when an electron in an atom moves from a high to a low energy state). Hence 
> what the atom had beforehand was excess energy (in some form).

Here is what Richard Feynman said about that when his father asked him a 
question about physics:

He said, "I understand that when an atom makes a transition from one state to 
another, it emits a particle called a photon."
"That's right," I said.
He says, "Is the photon in the atom ahead of time?"
"No, there's no photon beforehand."
"Well," he says, "where does it come from, then? How does it come out?"
I tried to explain it to him -- that photon numbers aren't conserved; they're 
just created by the motion of the electron -- but I couldn't explain it very 
well. I said, "It's like the sound I'm making now: it wasn't in me before." 
(It's not like my little boy, who suddenly announced one day, when he was very 
young, that he could no longer say a certain word -- the word turned out to be 
"cat" -- because his "word bag" had run out of the word. There's no word bag 
that makes you use up words as they come out; in the same sense, there's no 
"photon bag" in an atom.)

>  I must say it is ominous that you [John Ross] are consistently failing to 
> answer my questions about the reasoning behind all of this

At this point the cause of all this evasion and lack of logic is obvious, John 
Ross is a certified card carrying crackpot.

  John K Clark

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