On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 3:27 PM, John Ross <jr...@trexenterprises.com> wrote

>  I am  a good friend of many brilliant scientist.  Most of them are also
> skeptical of my theory, but none of them has convinced me of any basic
> errors in my theory

I am not one bit surprised that none of those brilliant scientist could
convince you that your theory is wrong, the defining characteristic of a
crackpot is the inability to make the slightest change in ones views even
in the face of overwhelming logic. Many, including me, have pointed out
that your model is not stable because it would radiate electromagnetic
waves and so things would spiral inward, and that your model violates the
conservation of mass/energy, and that your model violates the conservation
of momentum, and that your model violates the law of conservation of lepton
number, and that your model explains absolutely nothing that had previously
been unexplained, and that your model can not be used to calculate anything
that had previously been incalculable (actually I have grave doubts your
model can be used to calculate ANYTHING).

All these devastating criticisms have had absolutely positively zero effect
on you;  you don't even attempt to refute them other than to simply say "no
it doesn't". And then just like all good crackpots you ignore logical
argument and just keep on spouting the same old tired stuff.

  John K Clark

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