On the subject of the UV catastrophe, I'm still not sure I get this. The
particles have no mass and no energy, which is an interesting thought (I
once speculated that all the mass of composite particles like the proton
might come from the binding energy holding together massless constituents,
but I believe this thought had already been considered by far better minds
than mine, and the consensus is that SOME of the mass of the proton comes
from binding energy, but not all of it. I believe it's quite a high
proportion, but I can't remember the percentage.)

Anyway, on the subject of tronnies, these are charged particles moving in a
circle. I believe charged particles when accelerated are supposed to emit
energy, which in a classical view would lead to the system collapsing.
However tronnies have no mass or energy (and move faster than light) so I
guess this might mean all bets are off. It still seems to me that the
system would be unstable, however. Have you done the maths to show that
small perturbations don't get magnified, but are damped down - i.e. that
the circular orbit in your diagram is the ONLY stable configuration of the
tronnies? (e.g. if some passing influence tried to move them slightly
farther apart, they wouldn't spiral outwards.)

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