Interesting concepts. I would opt that the more outlandish your ideas, the more 
they, as fiction need to be placed in an alternate universe (Everett's MWI) or 
an infinite universe. The more area you have, the more you permit the reader to 
populate their minds there. I envy your author's creativity, Mikes, because I'd 
rather read them then write them. Lazy me. How about this idea (idiots like 
myself are replete with great ideas, huh?). Look up Boltzmann Brains, and write 
a novella where God is one, very powerful, very smart, but is not the dude of 
the old books. Created our region of spacetime, including setting the solar 
system to produce life, on a huge (to humans) time scale. It would rock 
people's world, and I don't have an ending. 

Dawkins even though their might be god-like intelligences in the universe, but 
he believe that such a person would evolve up by evolutionary reasons. Eh! I 
cannot afford to be so picky, and if it was true, it's true. Shrug! What am 
going to do, sue the Boltzmann Brain??
-----Original Message-----
From: John Mikes <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 10, 2014 3:29 pm
Subject: Re: The game explained to soft ecologist, ecoalarmist and alternative 
energy lovers


I wrote some books, several ones have been also published (mostly 
professional). Here is my experience - not a 'novel', but about one 
Sci-Fi I wrote ~1990~ in 2(!) languages and tried to publish in the US 
and in Central Europe with excellent publishing houses.
Both markets rejected it (without knowing about each other) on the 
one matching ground: 
"Too much science and not enough sex" - for selling.
It was about extremely cultured and constructive 'aliens' coming 
around for populating this Earth ~4b years ago and ~20,000+
years ago coming back to see what happened. They stayed for awhile.
the creatures "ATE" each other - needed to be civilized! So I went 
around explaining the big achievements of the 3 (4?) 'homo's.

I found my text later obsolete and hard-to-refurbish for the 2000+ time.

Now that you are editing, keep this in mind!

John M

PS My 'real' success was a 'light' one about PLASTICS everywhere
for pre- and early teenagers (late 1960s level). The publisher had an 
excellent illustrator who 'invented' a <polymer-guy> with as many 
hands as connectivity required for the appropriate item.  JM

On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 2:05 AM, LizR <> wrote:

On 10 August 2014 02:15, spudboy100 via Everything List 
<> wrote:

You don't need to alter your politics, simply be aware, that there appear to be 
rich people who seek a die-off.

Oh yes indeed. That is the subject of my first novel, currently in the process 
of editing, good post apocalyptic fun set after those people have more or less 
achieved their aim.

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