On 8 August 2014 23:42, spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> When we look at geophysical forces, the action of biochemistry, over the
> long millions of years, humankind is puny. Nature, Biochemistry,
> Geo-activity, Evolution, are all neutral things, because it is the human
> senses, and thought, that gives value, or de-value, to all of these. I
> don't think planet worship is a good thing, in and of itself. In fact, the
> elites that you guys ignore, value the planet, over the rest of us, damned,
> dirty, apes (Orig. Planet Apes, Heston)

I don't agree with anyone who values the planet over us, only people who
value the planet because we need it in order to survive. Should we ever
achieve space tarvel that enables the human race, or representatives of it,
to colonise other planets (perhaps by terraforming them) I won't have any
particular attachment to this particular one.

However I do value the planet (and us) about the interests of a few
extremely rich people who want to become ever-richer, regardless of which
political shade the aspire to.

> In the 20th century, UK Labor leaders

Just a small point. If it's the UK, that is spelled "Labour". Just as when
we list an American TV show in New Zealand we use the American spelling for
the title (e.g. "Traveler") so you should use the correct UK spelling for a
UK political party.

> would make speeches about members of the House of Lords, exclaiming,
> "Someday, we'll have him out of that auto!" which mean't, the chauffer
> driven Rolls Royce.

OK maybe the above was a quibble compared to "auto" and the unusual
spelling of "chauffeur" :-)

> People like Al Gore, George Soros, say the same thing except they want all
> of the Proles out of their cars and forced to take public transport, while
> they fly private jets, have their own chauffer driven limousines. The
> elitists hypocrisy of the Green Reds, should at least gather people's
> concern, however, their sins are ignored as they fund Progressive causes,
> specifically environmental causes.

Not ignored by me, I don't like hypocrisy anywhere (although I may be
persuaded to make an exception in my own case :-)

> They are worse, to me, then, vile, uncle Penny Bags, in his top hat and
> tux, reviled by progressives-a symbol of capitalism.

Good old "1984" !

> What needs to be addressed, entirely, is Crony Capitalism, which has
> direct, access to power, and essentially, runs the world. Crony
> Capitalists, run both parties in the states, and I suspect this might be
> true in Kiwiland?

Not to my knowledge. National is funded by far richer interests than
Labour, as far as I know (but I'm prepared to be shown otherwise). Although
we do have the "Internet-Mana" party co-led by Kim DotCom, a capitalist if
ever there was one in uneasy alliance with the Mana party, an offshoot of
the Maori party.

> Humans, when our lifestyles get upgraded, start to become concerned about
> critters survival (plants too) when they climb up Maslow's hierarchy of
> needs. But definitely, not before! I agree with the Rational Optimist view
> of the world. The Chinese, burn gigatons of coal, (which Green schmucks
> never ever address!) yet I

I have frequently addressed this, although perhaps not on this forum, Hard
to keep track of what I've said where...

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