On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au>

> If you sample the Geiger counter every second, and ask the question "has
> an electron triggered the counter in the previous second", one
> gets a sequence of zeros and ones, that is bounded only by the length of
> time we're prepared to continue performing this operation. This is not a
> "few dozen digits at best" that you claim.

Yes, if you used a arbitrarily large number of electrons you could get a
arbitrarily large number of digits, and you could do the same thing with a
arbitrarily large number of dice. But if physics works by Real Numbers why
can't we do the same thing with just one fundamental particle like one
electron? Again I'm not claiming to have a answer I'm just asking a

> > The sequence is, as you concur, likely to be not computable

If it's not computable it doesn't follow that non-computable numbers must
be causing the electrons to do what they do, nothing at all may be causing
it to do what it does. After all, there is no law of logic that demands
every event have a cause.

> > and COMP predicts that [...]

I don't care what "COMP" predicts, I don't know what it means and even
though Bruno invented the word I don't believe he does either.

> If beta decay arrival times proved to be computable, as (for example)
> Juergen Schmidhuber suggests,

If beta decay is computable then all bets are off. But is it? I would be
much more impressed by claims that everything in Quantum Mechanics is
computable if somebody would just compute something.

> it would actually be a serious blow to COMP,

If you say so, but I don't care if "COMP" is dealt a serious blow or not.

  John K Clark

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