(an example for a WRONG question: when the judge orders the defendant to
answer only YES?/NO - he apologetically asked permission to ask a QUESTION
from the judge. "Granted". "Tell me, did you stop cheating on your wife?
Just YES/NO!!")

*So you volunteered for the role of being smarter-than-me. - Accepted. *
you still mix the present screwed-up societal criminalogy (= the ongoing
ORDERs - ha ha) with the reasonable thinking about something  N E W
as I tried to propose. One suggestion: ASK THE NEIGHBORS!.

I mentioned some time ago V.I.Lenin's (not the dictator: the philosopher!)
condition for establishing HIS (ideal?) communist world: the deveopment of
a new type 'communist' MAN, who selflessly works for the community and
helps the weaker for not more than he needs to survive. Or something
similar in wording.
May I repeat a side-remark I made: capitalism is a 'newer' format of the
slave-society using more developed whips than the Assyrs.

I lived and 'voted' (forced!) under semi- and real Nazis, so called Commis
and American (US) 'democracy' over my *conscious* ~85 years, so I have
personal factual experience about the suggestions I receive.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> On 09 Jan 2015, at 02:59, John Mikes wrote:
> Bruno asked:
> *"What would you suggest in place of a democracy?"*
> which is exactly the wrong question.
> A question is never wrong. Only answer can be wrong. (With all my respect,
> of course).
> I did not promise a "better" system but claim to have the right to
> criticize - especially after calling it an oxymoron.
> That is a democracy. It is when you have the right to criticize, and
> indeed to suggest a new party. Then, I don't pretend the path will be easy,
> but in a non-democracy, I suspect it will harder for you be be listened.
> (As I explained there is no concensus among *all of us (=demos) *to
>  exercise a common power for all (=kratos) so 'democracy' is but a pius
> wish.)
> False, we have agreed to pay taxes for sending a man to the moon, and we
> did it.
> In some states people have decided democratically to stop paying taxes to
> pursue the pot smokers, and they did it.
> Even the two star-examples Bruno mentioned have flaws, subjugated groups,
> violence, wars.
> The heralded "4-yearly renewal" is dependent on the strength of the
> existing system and the activity/insight of active people to change it.
> I don't care if there are even worse systems to choose from. (See: the
> argument of Winston Churchill).
> I love Churchill on this one.
> I would not mix the variety of the ongoing travesty of governance-styles
> with a reasoanble  way of thinking (agnostically meant). I expect
> smarter-than-me minds to come up with a solution - if humanity is bound to
> survive.
> In politics, I believe that no one is smarter than you, and me. But we
> think differently, and democracy is the most efficacious way to handle
> smoothly the difference between people. Look around, democracies have less
> bloody violence, internally, and with they neighbors, even when sick.
> Voting is better than living the coercion of the local "prejudices". It
> quickly leads to the dictatorship of the "esprit de cloché".
> I tend to think that brains are not much more than when the amoeba's got
> the cable ... and the right to vote.
> There is (was) a variety of trials in Nature, insects. plants, microbes,
> forming strong societies, even so called 'lifeless' formats can be looked
> at as society-patterns. And all that within our 'observatory' circle (not
> necessarily callable a 'right' observation).
> Thanks for your reply
> You are welcome!
> Bruno
> On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 12:02 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> On 07 Jan 2015, at 22:54, John Mikes wrote:
>> Dear Bruno, allow me NOT to copy your post (and mine!) just picking parts
>> for reflections. Thanks for recognising my post.
>> *"Prohibition is enough to kill capitalism, and democracy in the long
>> run."*
>> I argued that there is no such thing as that darn 'democracy' - so how
>> should prohibition (and what kind of?) kill it?
>> May be you mean by democracy= "ideal working democracy". Then I can
>> understand it does not exist. But I defined democracy by the more modest
>> system in which people can vote every 4 yours. thats surely exist. I am
>> living in one.
>> By prohibition, I meant prohibition of medication, like alcohol, or
>> cannabis, or heroïn, or ...
>> *"Working more and more, for less and less money, that is the problem."*
>> One of them. The bank CEO with a horrendous pay is also culprit for all
>> the vices called 'democracy' (in US: capitalism!). Money is a fantastic
>> invention.
>> It is the most efficacious way to distribute wealth and works. Without
>> it, I would not have been abale to do math as a job.
>> Money is not a problem, but becomes once when it is based on lies. In
>> that case it create quickly a social cancer which can kill the democracy.
>> I deny the "48%" voting result just as e.g. a 50.1% - the 'voters' (the
>> part of the authorized populace who indeed cast a vote) are misinfomed and
>> gullible - a reason why MONEY (and lies?) can buy the votes (see: US
>> system).
>> Yes, in the UD system, there is too much financial lobbying, and that
>> seems to be part of the problem, although I tend to believe that the
>> problem has started with prohibition of alcohol (and then medication).
>> If a 'swing'-minority can make a 'majority' power that does not improve
>> the situation from false to true. Let me skip an analysis of a bi-national
>> kingdom,  or an authoritarian-powered religious state. Maybe another time.
>> Your exhortation about the questins of democracy sounds to me like a pius
>> wish-dream. Nobody (so far) could change the systems of the powerful by
>> reason.
>> I like your bon-mot about the blood/cancer. I try to talk common sense.
>> What would you suggest in place of a democracy?
>> Bruno
>> John M
>> On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>> On 04 Jan 2015, at 22:55, John Mikes wrote:
>>> I published several times on various lists - including this one - my
>>> <agnostic?> stance about that
>>> *OXYMORON *'democracy' called so because the 'demos' (i.e. all of us)
>>> cannot exercise 'kratos'
>>> (governing power) to everyone's satisfaction in the variety we represent
>>> genetically, mentally, in interests and taste, lifestyle etc. etc.
>>> I added the *HOAX *of "majority voting" because 1. a 'majority'
>>> involves a suppressed minority and the 'voting' does not mean agreement,
>>> just lesser dissatisfaction in the expressed  *L I E S  of a campaign*
>>> to make the candidate more palatable to the voting crowd. Such lies are
>>> not even pretended to be kept once the candidate gets the power and it is
>>> pretty hard to get rid of someone with a majority voting record.
>>> I also expressed in no uncertain terms that autocratic (religious,
>>> communist/socialist, fascist) systems are not prone to any distinction of a
>>> *democratic* rule (if we condone such).
>>> We can add the capitalistic economical systems to that, constituting the
>>> rule of a minority (owners?) over a vast majority of employed (working)
>>> segment of the populace - which can be (mutatis mutandis) a form of slavery
>>> in pretentious, more  humanitarian formulation.
>>> Democracy-(like) governance has never been istigated in any country.
>>> Lenin (the philosopher) said to establish a 'communistic' state a new-type
>>> MAN has to be developed with selfless benevolence to work for the
>>> community. Same for the elusive democracy.
>>> Such are the reasons why I call 'capitalism' dead by the 1970s and name
>>> the resulting system a
>>> Prohibition is enough to kill capitalism, and democracy in the long run.
>>> Global-Ecoomic-Feudal format with Lords (owners) and Serfs (employees -
>>> working for MONEY, no matter how much).
>>> Working more and more, for less and less money, that is the problem.
>>> It is false to say that democracy is a tyranny of the majority.
>>> Sometimes democracy leads to to a tyranny of a minority. This happens when
>>> there are two big parties (left and right, say), and each get 48% which let
>>> a little party who got the remaining 4%, sometimes an alliance of the left
>>> and right extremist, which will be able to decide when going to the right
>>> and when going to the left. This has happened in Israel and in my country
>>> (Beligium).
>>> All argument against democracy looks to me like cells complaining about
>>> blood because it feeds cancer.
>>> To me, democracy is the minimal amount for having a system capable of
>>> oscillating between left and right, and avoid the pitfall of extremism and
>>> special interests.
>>> Democracies, like living organism can be get ill and even die, but
>>> non-democracy gives soon or later the power to the most violent and the
>>> liars. Politicians always lie, but in a democracy you have the right to say
>>> so, you might have difficulties to be eared, but you can create a party or
>>> just vote for a different politicians next time, when the democracy works
>>> enough well, of course.
>>> With democracies you can try different stupidities every four years.
>>> With tyrannies you can try different stupidities every four millenaries.
>>> Democracies can be improved (which is nice, even if this make them also
>>> capable of being perverted)
>>> Tyrannies are perverted at the start.
>>> Bruno
>>> JM
>>> On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 5:39 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>>>  On 1/3/2015 7:47 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>>>  On 03 Jan 2015, at 09:28, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  *From:* everything-list@googlegroups.com [
>>>> mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com
>>>> <everything-list@googlegroups.com>] *On Behalf Of *Bruno Marchal
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, January 01, 2015 3:36 AM
>>>> *To:* everything-list@googlegroups.com
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Democracy
>>>>  On 31 Dec 2014, at 20:12, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
>>>> wrote:
>>>>   *From:* everything-list@googlegroups.com [
>>>> mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com
>>>> <everything-list@googlegroups.com>] *On Behalf Of *Bruno Marchal
>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 30, 2014 5:34 AM
>>>> *To:* everything-list@googlegroups.com
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Democracy
>>>>   On 30 Dec 2014, at 01:38, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
>>>> wrote:
>>>>   ----- Forwarded Message -----
>>>> *From:* Alberto G. Corona <agocor...@gmail.com>
>>>> *To:* everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
>>>> *Sent:* Monday, December 29, 2014 10:27 AM
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Democracy
>>>>     >>The Soviet union can be formally considered a "democracy". There
>>>> is nothing external or formal that may distinguish a democracy from any
>>>> other regime. Since every modern state has the same elements. All of them
>>>> use the momenclature of the age. The word democracy is the most overused
>>>> world in this century togeter with "scientific".
>>>>   No word comes close to matching the overuse of the word "god"
>>>> however.
>>>>   Yes,  ... and no.
>>>>   For the greeks "God" was just a pointer to the truth we are
>>>> searching, through theories and observation. It led to math and physics, +
>>>> inquiry about which one is more fundamental, and what might still be beyond
>>>> math and physics. That use of God remains in some language expression, like
>>>> when we say "only God knows", which means "I don't know".
>>>>  But that is how the word was used in the Hellenistic period; I was
>>>> referring to modern usage that has associated it with a monotheistic value
>>>> system.
>>>>  I think monotheism is only the "personal" view of the monism of the
>>>> parmenides one.
>>>> I think that the theology of the christians and jews reflect the monism
>>>> of those who believe in an unifying truth. The fairy tales is a pedagogical
>>>> popularization, who get wrong when the religion is (too much) mixed with
>>>> politics.
>>>> But it necessarily is mixed with politics, it's main function is
>>>> political because the "unifying truths" are the cultural proscriptions
>>>> about behavior and values.  God is the law-giver; he's the tyrant writ
>>>> large who sees all, judges all, and rewards and punishes all.  The truths
>>>> of mathematics and physics and biology are of little relevance.  His
>>>> "truths" are about procreation and war and ethics and loyalty to the tribe.
>>>>  >>Which comes from the ONE of the greeks, mixed with the Jewish
>>>> legend. Well, if you forget the superstition, it has some important
>>>> relation. Monotheism is a reflexion of parmenides or Plotinus monism.
>>>> Perhaps you are referring to the Jewish mystic concept of the sephiroth
>>>> kether (kether means crown in Hebrew) it is that which is manifest yet
>>>> cannot be named; the first divine emanation out of pure abstract space…
>>>> that is without form or definition yet which fills and animates all
>>>> things…. The divine spark so to speak.
>>>>  I think so.
>>>>        A few examples “a God fearing” man (or woman) is upstanding,
>>>> moral and considered (by other god-fearers at least) to be superior to
>>>> those who do not fear god;
>>>>  But this "fearing of God" is a mystery to me. God should be good.
>>>> Only the devil should be feared. (between us).
>>>> Unless you are the devil.  Unless you don't want to obey God's orders
>>>> to stone adulterers and conquer unbelievers and tithe to the priests.
>>>> Brent
>>>> "You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it
>>>> turns out that God hates all the same people you do."
>>>>              - Anne Lamott
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