On 19 Jan 2015, at 22:13, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/19/2015 10:40 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 18 Jan 2015, at 20:42, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/18/2015 6:26 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
With the definition you gave in a preceding post, and with which I agree, everyone believe in some God. The question is always: which one? And where it does come from, and why.

All philosophers and most scientists have some idea about what is fundamental reality - but (unless they are theologians) they recognize it is just a working hypothesis. I'd say most people don't even think about it enough to have a definite opinion.

Well, it might be about time. Many people don't think to this, because we abandonned the subject to professional brainwashers since a long time. Most people are just not interested in fundamental science. Usually people like to take things for granted, and dislike doubting everything, as Descartes knew already we have to do if we search truth.

The more I think about it, the more I doubt that these subjects were simply "abandoned" in an innocent fashion. The problem is that beliefs about fundamental reality are at the foundations of political power, and the powerful know this, even if only intuitively.

Of course, religion was invented as a socializing tool. God watched everybody before Big Brother had the techology. God answered all questions and defined right and wrong.

When atheist politicians say that we must respect the Vatican, they are agreeing on some border of power.

?? What "atheist politicians". In the U.S. an admitted atheist couldn't get elected dog-catcher. Atheists are the only group less trusted than Muslims.

They are saying, ok we can't have absolute power but we can negotiate peace with the Vatican.

The subtlety is that there is now a very powerful religion which has no name but is profoundly materialistic. I think you intuit its existence, and were perhaps a victim of it, by the suppression of your thesis.

It's the Illuminati? Richard Dawkins and Dan Dennett are out to get you?

You think so?

Only ULB's department of mathematics, Le Monde and Grasset, and Drabbe, Doyen, M. Meyer, and others, but it is always unclear if they are victims of liars, or liars themselves. They are not serious, and they does not do their job. That can be proved.

ULB is based on free-thinking, and most atheists there were agnostic type of atheists, who encouraged me to work on that subject, and to use the term "theology" etc. and were disgusted as much as myself when they discovered that there was a bunch of influent (nobody knows how, and why) strong atheists for which free-thinking is only destructive critics of all religion (except theirs).

Strong-atheism (non agnostic atheism) is the worst of all religion, because it pretends that it is not a religion, and some seems even sincere (but they were those against computers, AI, consciousness, even the idea that there was an interpretation problem for QM was a "crackpot" things for them.

Logic was also classified as Pure Mathematics, and for some of them, even the idea of applying logic to computer science was a sacrilege.

A muslim colleagues of mine at ULB told me that I should have been a member of the muslim brotherhood, if I really wanted to be listened at ULB. He was at that time angry that the fanatics muslims were more listened to than the educated muslims who were trying to attract the attention on the integrism of all those invited in Mosques and universities. They were treated as racist! To be sure, it took me some time to understand them myself, and it is only recently (thanks to the egyptian courage) that I understood that the muslim brotherhood is basically a nazi party (by which I mean a party proving the elimination of jews and homosexuals and any marginals, actually even all christians if you read the chart of some of their subgroups).

I have no problem at all with the agnostic atheists, but the strong atheists are problematical, as they forbid, like some fundamentalist christians, and like some fundamentalist muslims, the doubt between Aristotle's and Plato's conception of reality.

The debate God/Not-God seems to me almost like a subterfuge to hide that doubt, that is, the question:

is the physical universe the reality? or is the physical universe a symptom of a deeper, perhaps simpler, reality, (like computationalism suggests (to say the least)).

The prohibition of question is the symptom of tyranny.

Academy is like democracy: the worst system except for all the others. They can get sick, like any living organism.



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