> On 23 Jan 2015, at 10:24 am, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> On 1/22/2015 9:20 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>> On 21 Jan 2015, at 20:27, meekerdb wrote:
>>>> On 1/21/2015 3:48 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>>>> If you completely discard the concept of "truth" and replace it entirely 
>>>>> with "evolutionary usefulness" - does that change anything?
>>>> I think it might. For example, suppose we all share the same 
>>>> consciousness. It is evolutionary useful to maintain the illusion that 
>>>> this is not the case (thus my previous rant).
>>> If you "start with consciousness" then it is fundamental that consciousness 
>>> if not shared - otherwise I'd be conscious of it.
>> I guess you mean "is not shared".
>> But are you not conscious right now, we do share the experience of being 
>> conscious, even if we don't share the exact same relative contents.
> But I'm not conscious of you being conscious.
> Brent

You are. Here you kid yourself. Even without comp we can say you are deluding 
yourself here. You have "mirror neurons" which link your consciousness to that 
of another. You cannot experience the experience of another but you will come 
as close to experiencing it as you can without actually experiencing it  - via 
mirror neurons. 

If something like mirror neurons were not present in the human brain, nobody 
would bother with anyone else at all as humans would not be in any way 
interesting to one another and everyone would revert to their visceral mistrust 
of one another.

If you have ever watched a porno and found yourself getting aroused by what the 
people onscreen were doing - that's mirror neurons at work. We are all one 
person sharing  one vast, utterly vast consciousness.


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