On 27 March 2015 at 17:35, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 3/26/2015 7:16 PM, LizR wrote:
> On the subject of counterfactual correctness, isn't that the point of
> Olimpia and Klara? My problem with counterfactual correctness is (probably
> the same as Maudlin's?) -- how does the system *know* it's
> counterfactually correct if it doesn't actually pass through any of the
> "what-if" states? To put it another way, when you have a recording of the
> conscious computational states being replayed, what difference could be
> made by the presence (or absence) of all the extra bits that *would* deal
> with counterfactual correctness if a different computation was being
> replayed, but happen in this case not to be used? I can't see how this
> could make any physical difference to the states being replayed (unless
> counterfactual correctness introduces some nonphysical magic into the
> system?)
> I see two possible answers.  First, in a quantum world there is a
> superposition of all those "counterfactual" states, so they are really
> present, but only observable as different relative states.  Of course this
> already invokes QM and physics, rather than deriving them.  But maybe it
> can be shown that the infinite threads of the UD serve to test all the
> counterfactual states.

Quantum physics definitely makes a difference here, but I believe Bruno's
argument assumes digital mechanism which is classical, so QM has to drop
out of it, if anything?

> Or, secondly, although there is no physical difference in the sequence of
> states in the replaying, consciousness is not physical and so could be
> absent.  This doesn't require that consciousness be magic.  If it is the
> abstract thing called "computation" then in the abstract it needs to
> counterfactually correct to count as computation.

That appears to throw out the physical supervenience thesis, like the MGA.

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