On 27 Mar 2015, at 12:34, LizR wrote:

On 28 March 2015 at 00:06, Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:
1- It is assumed you have a machinery/program that is conscious. (a real conscious AI)
2- You have (for example) a conversation with it.
3- While doing that conversation, you record all inputs fed to the machine.
4- You replay those inputs to the machine.

To make sure I have this right - you reboot it, or whatever - this is a machine that starts from the same starting state as the one you talked to originally. It doesn't remember the first conversation, and hence by hypothesis goes through the same states as before.

5- Assuming in 3 the machine was conscious, replaying the same inputs, the machine should still be conscious. 6- You remove from the machine all the transistor not in use during that particular run (given the recorded input)
7- You replay those inputs to the ("crippled") machine.
8- Assuming in 3 and 5 the machine was conscious, replaying the same inputs, the machine should still be conscious as in 5 (because what you removed wasn't in use anyway).


9- You break one transistor, but you make a device (in the MGA it's the projection of the record on the graph) that permits (even if the transistor is broke) to mimic the output at the exact moment it should have happen if the transistor wasn't broken (like the lucky cosmic ray replacing the firing of a neuron).


10- Assuming in 3,5 and 8 the machine was conscious, replaying the same inputs, the machine should still be conscious as the broken transistor while not working did nonetheless gave the correct output thanks to the lucky ray/devide/movie projection.
11- You do 9 for all the transistor, so as to leave only the mimic...

Aha. Yes that makes sense. It's a slippery logical slope ...

12- Assuming in 3,5,8 and 10 the machine was conscious, then the machine is still conscious while no computation occur anymore.... contradicting computationalism.

Yes, so you are finally playing just a recording because for every component you have to know exactly what its outputs were, so you have to record everything, not just the inputs. At this point you have shown that either consciousness can supervene on playing back a recording OR that consciousness doesn't supervene on the original physical substrate that was supposed to be performing the computation.

From that, either computationalism is false or physical supervenience is false.

Hmmm....I'm not sure where I sit on that. I do feel like some sleight of hand has been pulled - not intentionally, of course. Perhaps the broken version might still be conscious, which means that ... eek. That's like saying Klara's conscious despite being inert, isn't it?

I think it's the "thinking about what it all means afterwards" part that ties my brain in knots. I want to just throw my hands up and say "well of course physical supervenience doesn't work! How can a bunch of atoms do that, anyway?" But then they do seem to ...

Looks you understood Liz. Nice explanation Quentin. Might comment more later.

Liz, to understand MGA is really like understanding that there is something that we don't understand. We just make the question more and more precise, and at some point we can ask what the average universal number thinks about all this. (We do have something like computer science. UMs knows already a lot, and can guess and hope for more, as the theorems of Solovay make precise).


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