Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 31 Mar 2015, at 07:42, Bruce Kellett wrote:

In a phrase I have used before, It did not spring forth fully armed, like Athena from Zeus's brow. Numbers were a hard-won abstraction from everyday physical reality. They do not have any independent existence.

In which theory? What has independent existence?

The external objective universe, of which we are part.

As someone has said, you do not come across a number "5" running wild in the undergrowth.

I am not sure, when I run I might not count them, but five incarnate in my feet and hands all the time, and even if I did not have legs, like a snake, 5 would still be prime, independently of me thinking about it or not.

You are running into the old problem of universals. You take the approach of Plato -- the universals are needed to explain the commonality between all sets of five things (like toes, finger,...), but even so, you don't see the "universal 5" running in the wild -- you see only five toes, or deer, or ...... It is equally open to anyone to take Aristotle's line and hold that five exists only in sets of five things -- the modern nominalist position.

Two thousand five hundred years of philosophical argument have not settled this issue, so no-one need accept your enthusiastic embrace of Plato's account. Other accounts are just as good (in many ways preferable).


But I think we need to distinguish two senses in which something can be said to exist. There is mathematical existence, Exist_{math}, and physical existence, Exist_{phys}.

I agree. And those are quite different mode of existence.

I am glad we can agree on something.

Exist_{math} is the set of all implications of a set of axioms and some rules of inference.

Not at all. That would give only a tiny sigma_1 set. Even arithmetic is larger than that, and non unifiable in any effective theory.

I think you underestimate the power of an axiomatic theory.


Exist_{phys} is the hardware of the universe.

OK. But then comp is false, there are zombies, etc.

Why do you think that is a problem? They exist only if you create them.


You point and say "That is a rock, cat, or whatever." In more sophisticated laboratory settings, you construct models to explain atomic spectra, tracks in bubble chambers, and so on. The scientific realist would claim that the theoretical entities entailed by his most mature and well-tested scientific theories "exist_{phys}", and form part of the furniture of the external objective physical world.
> No, that's when he get wrong, with respect of the computationalist
> hypothesis.

You equivocate on this point at different times. I said previously that, by definition, computationalism is inconsistent with physicalism. You denied this. But what you say here is exactly this.


>> So there is a very clear difference between the mathematical and
>> physical worlds.
> Yes, but science has not yet decided which is the most fundamental.

You agree, then, that computationalism is just a hypothesis and you reject physicalism, or the independent existence of an external physical world, simply because that disagrees with computationalism.

I don't think that your arguments that consciousness cannot be understood in terms of physical supervenience are very convincing. At all the crucial points you simply appeal to the computationalist hypothesis -- your argument is, at heart, circular.


>> So prime numbers might exist_{math}, but they do not exist_{phys}.
> Sure. I have not verified, but I do think the universal machine would
> say the same. Physical is a sophisticated internal view of arithmetic/
> There still might be too much much white rabbits, but prime numbers
> are not of the type "observable" there.

I think this claim needs some backing up. You have to actually derive at least some basic physical laws from your UD. Pointing to prime numbers is not enough. I think that the white rabbits will be your undoing.


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