2015-04-15 4:53 GMT+02:00 meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net>:

>  On 4/14/2015 12:48 AM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
> No, a miracle cannot be logically contradictory. God cannot make a
>> married bachelor.
>  Yes it can.. that's the whole point of what is a miracle and God. God is
> not bound to logic, what you can't conceive is your prejudice... and using
> miracles to justify your thinking is a logical fallacy... you can with that
> same argument *justify anything*.
> That makes no sense.  Even theologians can't bring themselves to say that
> God can do something self-contradictory.  Suppose God did Y=(X and not-X),
> what would Y consist of?

I don't know we as human cannot do it... But I don't see why not, and
that's false that theologians (at least some) never say that god can't do
self-contradictory thing... have you never heard "god is not bound to
logic".... and for example, god could create two universe, one where he
destroys the earth, one where he does not... (but that something we human
could comprehend). I *don't* believe in god, but I can imagine such a being
with no limit in power if it existed, and that could transcend
*everything*, after all he's god !.

> Logical contradiction is a matter of language; it can't refer because it
> has no meaning.

If there is a god, meaning comes from god, not from the language or from
you. god transcend reality.

> A miracle is ordinarily understood as an occurrence which is
> *nomologically* impossible.

A miracle is understood as a miracle, it could be anything not possible
without it... like *magic*. Using miracles or magics to say a logical
reasoning is correct, is a fallacy... I won't agree it's correct reasoning
to do that.


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