meekerdb wrote:

On 4/27/2015 7:34 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:

I think it is appropriate to look more closely at the dovetailer. As I understand it, the dovetailer calculates all computable functions over the natural numbers: phi_i(x) = y where x and y are natural numbers. In other words, phi_i is a map of the set of integers on to itself.

For example, the function phi(x) = x^2 +7 is one such function:
phi(1)=8, phi(2)=11, phi(3)=16, and so on.

So all that such a map does is establish a set of relations between natural numbers: 1<->7, 2<->11, 3<->16, and so on.

As I understand it the dovetailer runs all possible algorithms, whether they terminate or not. In fact one problem with idea seems be that the measure of threads thru a particular state will be dominated by short, non-terminating loops.

There is some confusion about exactly what programs the UD runs. According to Bruno in SANE04, he takes the set N of all natural numbers, defines a total function as a mapping from N to N, and computable if there is a program which computes it. Then he says that P_k(n) is a well defined number for each n (because the functions are total).

The in COMP(2013) we have "A 'universal dovetailer' (UD) is a program that generates all the codes of the partially-computable functions phi_i from N to N, and computing all such functions on all its arguments. In other words, it is an algorithm that generates all other algorithms."

Russell, however, in his paper "The MGA Revisited", the universal dovetailer effectively executes all possible computer programs, on all possible inputs, albeit with exponential slowdown.

Now, in his recent reply to me Bruno claims that the UD "It is not a map from N to N. But it is a map from N to N^N, limited to the partial computable part of N^N. Here A^B represents the set of functions from B to A). phi_i is a map from N to the maps of the set of integers on to itself."

I think that at this point one is entitled to be a little confused as to what is actually going on. It seems that perhaps the dovetailer first generates all these programs, and then evaluates them for all possible integer inputs.

This is then nothing more than, as I point out, the set of all maps from N to N, which reduces to the sums of all possible sets of integers or, even more simply, basic counting. All the algorithms can be boiled down to steps that amount to no more that adding 1 to the previous result. y = s(x) = x+1.

Now it remains for Bruno (and others) to prove that this is rich enough to generate anything (everything!) Paraphrasing Bruno, it is all contained in arithmetic.


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