On 09 Jun 2015, at 12:55, Bruce Kellett wrote:

Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 09 Jun 2015, at 07:06, meekerdb wrote:
   Bruno Marchal wrote:

       On 08 Jun 2015, at 03:30, Bruce Kellett wrote:

           Note that it is important to distinguish between
           structures that can be described mathematically and the
           structure of arithmetic or mathematics themselves.

       Yes. Quite important. Even after the reversal, although
       physics is made purely arithmetical, it is only through
       machine's psychology and theology that this happens, and the
       science physics are explained to be different from the
mathematical science. For example mathematical (arithmetical)
       existence is some thing like ExP(x), but physical existence
       is [2]<2>Ex [2]<2>P(x). Physics remains untouched by comp.,
       except it is put on logico-arithmetical grounds. What change
is physicalism in metaphysics. It becomes testable, and false
       if comp is true.

That last seems incoherent. If comp leaves physics untouched that implies that comp makes no difference to physics and so there can be no test of comp.
I meant, IF comp is true. Indeed, the test of comp is done by physics! If comp change the content of physics, and nature follows physics, it will be comp which has to be abandoned.

Instead you seem to imply that physicalism, a metaphysical hypothesis, is testable - but how if not via an empirical prediction?
It is via an empirical prediction. I was in the frame of supposing comp true. It does not change physics, guven that it is at the origin of physics (IF true)..
You say it is false if comp is true; but that's not a test.
I say that the idea that we need to assume a physical reality is false.
That's like the creationists who, when asked what evidence supports creationism, cite deficiencies in evolution.
? (you lost me). I show that comp has testable consequence in the content of the physical theories, so let us do the test, or work toward it (like optimizing G*, the Z and X logics, etc.).

As Brent has suggested. You simply contradict yourself here.
You say "It [comp] does not change physics", and "If comp change the content of physics, and nature follows physics, it will be comp which has to be abandoned." The you say "I show that comp has testable consequence in the content of the physical theories..."

I see how you make appear a contradiction. As I said, comp is true and then is confirmed by physics, or comp is refuted by physics, and on both case comp does not change physics. Just that comp is testable.

These statements are mutually contradictory. If comp does not change the content of physical theories, then it will have no testable consequences.

In *that*sense, comp change so much physics that it makes it into a branch of machine theology. Sure.

If comp does change the content of physical theories, then it might become testable, but so far you have given no hint as to what physical content might be changed, or what theories might be in question, you merely note that physics will take precedence over comp.

Well that is the result. Then the logic of the observable has been derived, and tested.

Merely talking about metaphysics does not lead to testable consequences for physical theories.

Unless that metaphysics is derived from comp, which leads to a theology which include physics, and so get testable.
Anyway, I derive this from comp.

I think we have previously argued at length about the MGA. Because that argument does not address metaphysics, but the actual physics of brain processes, it does not refute some metaphysical hypothesis -- it actually refutes comp itself.


This, as has been pointed out, is because the movie graph argument applies equally to physics as emulated by comp and physics as investigated by the physicists, independent of any metaphysical overtones.

Comp makes physics NOT emulable by any machine a priori.

I think that you will find that metaphysical assumptions are not amenable to either verification or falsification by empirical means. Some metaphysics might be more useful and productive than others, but none is empirically testable.

Good, so let us not doing metaphysics, but only cognitive science. Then a theorem is that if the brain is Turing emulable then physics is a branch of machine theology, and the physical reality is recovered through a notion of persistent and stable appearances.

Thanks to Gödel, Löb and Solovay, we can axiomatize completely the propositional part of the theology, including the propositional part of physics, and compare it to the logic of the observable. Up to now, it fits (at a place where many have thought this cannot happen, because this marry symmetry and antisymmetry at a deep level, without collapsing the logic.



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