On 25 Jun 2015, at 04:15, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

But what of pancomputationalism?

On what "pan" is applied?

If "pan" is large and contains whatever is not me, then that is provably non computational. If "I am a machine" (exactly: if my 3-self is Turing emulable) then Not-Me is not a machine.

Only a tiny part of the arithmetical truth is Turing emulable. Most machine's property are not Turing emulable. I showed this for the predicate "being the code of a total computable function": this is not computably solvable.

Is the physical reality pancomputable. Normally no. Its computable aspect might be a problem for comp, except that physics does contain non computable aspects too, of the same kind as the FPI (the wave collapse, for example). So even the physical is plausibly not entirely computable, but this can be approximated in comp by lowering the substitution level enough.


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-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wed, Jun 24, 2015 08:57 PM
Subject: Re: A riddle for John Clark

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015  Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:

​> ​ neither will contain "I see Moscow and I see Washington"

​Yes, and because ​John Clark HAS BEEN DUPLICATED and there are now two John Clarks it would not be expected that just one interview would settle the question of what cities John Clark saw. The first interviewee says "I am John Clark and I see Moscow". The second interviewee says "I am John Clark and I see Washington".

So Quentin, from the above information even a man with a room temperature IQ such as yourself should be able to answer the question " what cities did John Clark see?".

​>​ If you could quit the list with your horses that would be really cool

​You make it clear that if I quit the list it would make you very happy, therefore I will not quite the list. You're a lousy psychologist, you should have said you'd cry like a baby if I quit the list.

 John K Clark


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