On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

An uploaded mind is running within a computer process. If the mind presses
> a button inside its virtual environment, the process will fork and if
> within the simulation of the child process a light within the virtual
> environment will flash blue, while in the parent process it will flash red.
> The uploaded mind has pushed the button many times, and each time witnessed
> either a blue flash or red flash, seemingly at random and with a seemingly
> equal probability of witnessing either color. Within the simulation there
> is also a casino which allows betting on which color will flash after the
> button is pressed.
> ​
> The question is,* If the game cost $1 to play, and if it was your mind
> that was uploaded into this computer process what would the minimum pay out
> have to be for you to play, and what would your betting strategy be?*

Assuming that just I am duplicated (and not my wallet) and assuming the
winning prize is $2 ​I'd bet on red and I'd make a dollar every time I
press the button. Yes the child won't win $2 but he didn't pay $1 for the
privilege of pushing the button either so he lost nothing.
However the casino owner is heading for bankruptcy.

OK I hear you say, ​what if your wallet was duplicated too? Then the wallet
the copy inherits will be $1 lighter but unlike the original will not win
$2 so he's out $1. All that is true but it has nothing to do with me
because my exact copy is no longer exact, we've had different experiences
and thus have diverged; I saw a red light and won the bet but that other
fellow saw a blue light and lost the bet.

 John K Clark



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