On 25 Jun 2016, at 03:12, Jason Resch wrote:

On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 9:56 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 24 Jun 2016, at 03:25, Jason Resch wrote:

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 12:55 PM, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote: On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 1:34 AM, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

​>> ​​I would say it would have to have SOMETHING physical as we know it or it wouldn't be another physical universe as we know it. ​

​> ​So according to you, does every physical universe has to have hadrons, electrons and photons, and 3 spatial dimensions?

​No, according to ​me every physical universe must have something physical in it or it wouldn't be a physical universe.

​> ​What in your mind delineates the physical from the mathematical?

​"Mathematics" is the best language minds have for thinking about the physical universe.
And "physical" is anything that is NOT nothing.
And "nothing" is anything that is infinite​,​ unbounded​, and​ homogeneous​​​ in both space and time.​

So if a Game of Life computation qualifies as a physical universe, I am guessing so would other cellular automata systems would. Some linear cellular automata systems are even Turing universal: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/UniversalCellularAutomaton.html

When we envision (imagine) a GoL emulation, we interpret it as a grid of cells with changing states, but an equally consistent view would be to imagine the grid as a binary number, whose bits flip from one step to another according to finite rules. For example, the game tic-tac-toe (a.k.a. naughts and crosses) is often envisioned as completing a line, or diagonal with X's or O's, but a mathematically equivalent view of the game is the players complete for selecting unique numbers from 1 to 9, such that the sum of their selected numbers adds to 15 ( https://www.mathworks.com/moler/exm/chapters/tictactoe.pdf ).

All this is to say that a "physically existing GoL universe" is from the inside of that world, no different (in any testable way) from a recursive function operating on an integer. So can anyone truly differentiate a "physically existing GoL universe" from a "platonically existing recursive computation" when both are equivalent and for all intents and purposes identical--sharing all the same internal relations isomorphically?

If a GoL universe exists and contains a Turing machine executing the universal dovetailer, no conscious entities within the programs executed by the universal dovetailer could ever know their ultimate substrate happens to be a GoL universe.

That would even have no sense, as here the GOL would only be a tool for us to have some precise view of the UD. In fact we could not distinguish the UD made by that GOL from the UD made by a GOL made by a UD made by a Diophantine polynomial. Fortunately, the measure is formalism independent. We need one, but anyone will do. Then it happens that we all believe, in the relevant sense, in one of them, when we decide to not take our kids at school when a teacher told them that there are infinitely many primes.

Wouldn't different formalisms lead to different frequencies of occurrences of different programs? It is not immediately clear to me that it wouldn't.

By the compiler theorem it would not. if phi_i and phi'_j are two computable enumerations of the partial recursive functions, there is a computable function h such that for all phi_i, phi'_(h(i)) = phi_i, and vice versa. The relative computations will be the same in both structure. You can see this in this way, imagine than a *special* UD is needed, then, in all others UDs, that special UD will be executed, and has to be the solution of the winning measure problem when we start any UD, which exists independently of us, as we assume the equivalent of the sigma_1 arithmetical reality (the "arithmetical UD"). So, if a special UD is needed, it is part of the mind-body problem to justify its need from any other UD base.

Now, the closure of diagonalization, and the Turing equivalence between all universal machine, and all creative sets (Post), and 1- complete set, and m-complete set, assures the solidity and sense of Church-thesis, and of the very general notion of universal system. To choose one among all, to explain what we see, is about the same cheating than doing physics and saying that's the fundamental reality. Computationalism made obligatory to justify the appearances of this or that type of reality (the biological, the physical, the chemical, the psychological, the theological, etc.) from the first person intrinsically internal to any universal system.

All universal numbers reflects all universal numbers, and all have all computable and non computable relations between each others, with relative relations invariant for the choice of the universal dovetailing.

Note that physics cannot been a priori Turing emulable, as it is given by a first person limit on the FPI on the whole universal deployment (entirely determined by a tiny part of the arithmetical reality). The miracle here is that an infinite addition leads to subtraction of probabilities, a bit like with Ramanujan sum. The explanation of this is in the math of self-reference.

Is this without assuming imaginary measures? Or do imaginary numbers somehow fall out of the infinities?

Well my comparison with Ramanujan formula (1+2+3+4+5+6+ ... = -1/12) was an analogy.

That was just a way to suggest that the argument: "with comp all probabilities are added, but with QM sometimes they are subtracted (or their amplitudes), so comp cannot lead to QM" is an (erroneous) extrapolation from the finite to the infinite.

Then such argument forgets that we have to structure the probability space from the UDA-definition of "observable" translated in arithmetic using only what a machine can prove and guess about itself.

We get three versions of this: []p & p, []p & <>t, []p & <>t & p. Which makes 5 "physical theories" ("[]p & p" does not split in two theories on the G-G* separation). When p is sigma_1, as it should be to work on the UD basic ontology (the universal computation, the splashed Turing machine, as I call it once, the universal dovetailing, or just the sigma_1 arithmetical reality, actually already obtained semi-recursively by the weak theory RA (see three nice versions in the Tarski, Mostowski, Robinson paper.

So, to sum up: ontology = RA, and the epistemology is given by the belief system having induction axioms. So the observer are PA, ZF and all recursive (machine) sound extensions of RA, having enough "induction power" (beliefs in induction axioms, like (P(0) & (n)(P(n) - > P(n+1)) -> (n)P(n)). (I abbreviate "for all x" by (x).

I am interested in the arithmetic of enlightenment. My oldest theory was that this occurred in PA, when PA proves PA's incompleteness, i.e. the löbian knowledge of personal incompleteness. My less old theory was that it occurs when the machine recognizes itself in the primary hypostases (p, []p, []p & p), and "abandons" the material hypostases (the one with "<>t" in). But the salvia experience suggests (!) that it is when PA reminds being RA, and abandon the induction axioms, which makes it the exact contrary of my oldest theory!

Everything is very tricky here, but the use of the G and G* separation helps to avoid the easy "blasphemes" (asserting truth which get wrong once taken as an axiom or theorem).

I still don't know if making the induction axiom epistemological only is mandatory or obligatory. That might be a candidate for being absolutely undecidable for all machines.

I am amazed that Nelson could believe that PA was inconsistent, and that others took the time to find the bug in his proof! The bug has been found of course (of course?).

Is PA consistent? Personally I have few doubt it is, but can I prove it? Of course I can prove it, but only by using something less trustful than PA. Humans have usually much stronger beliefs than PA. We are usually OK with analysis or second order induction (where P(n) above would mean (n belongs to the (arbitrary) set P), accepting a transfinite (2^aleph_0) induction axioms at once!). From it you can prove easily the soundness (and consistency) of PA, and study the models of PA.


What is a Number that a Man May Know It and a Man that He May know a Number? (McCulloch)




​>>​​Cells and particles are physical.​

​> ​Would you say it is a particle even when the particles have only 1 bit of information associated with them "exists in this cell"

​Yes I would and that's why you're not talking about nothing, you're talking about something, you're talking about the physical. You use plural words like "particles" and "them". So there is more than one. So neither particles nor cells can be infinite, unbounded, and homogeneous in both space and time. So it can't be nothing. So it must be physical.

 John K Clark

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