On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 11:06 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> ​If Hilbert had insisted on equating the concept of a glass of beer with
>> the English word "point", as you insist on equating the concept of stuff
>> with the English word "God", then one would be justified in suspecting
>> Hilbert was trying to hide sloppy thinking with bafflegab.
> ​> ​
> Not at all.

Not at all? Not even a little? If Hilbert had absolutely insisted on
renaming "a mathematical point" to "a glass of beer" I would suspect him of
being a fuzzy thinker trying to hide something and no more trustworthy than
a ​carnival huckster. You absolutely insist on changing the meaning of the
English word  "God " to mean "stuff", and so I have to ask myself, why
would Bruno want to do that?

> ​> ​
> His point was that a valid reasoning is independent of the word used.

​Bullshit! If symbols don't have meaning then they are not symbols ​and
you'd be justified in saying all Hilbert (or Shakespeare) did in his life
was write squiggles on paper.

​> ​
> I suggest you study the book by Mendelson. It is very good.


​How do you tell the difference between good squiggles and bad squiggles?

> ​>
>>> ​>>​
>>> ​You can approach *any* domain with the scientific method or attitude.
>> ​
>> ​>> ​
>> Yes but theology has no domain.
> ​> ​
> Theology has the gods as domain.

Yes as I said,
​ ​
theology has no domain.

> ​> ​
> The statement that there are no god is a statement in the filed of
> theology, and I guess it is your theology

​No my domain of study is all the integers greater than 2 but less than 3;
I don't wish to brag but I am a great expert on those integers, I know all
there is to know about them.

> ​> ​
> assuming that a god needs to be a person.

​Of course God needs to be a person because that's what the English word
"God" means! God doesn't mean the multiplication table and God doesn't mean
a cloud of Hydrogen gas and God doesn't mean "stuff". ​

> ​> ​
> "Zero gods" is a strong theological statement.

​So everything is theological. Meaning needs contrast, "everything is
theological" is equivalent to "nothing is theological" in that neither
statement conveys any information.

​> ​
> Your own decision to freeze your brain belong to applied theotechnology,
> which is part of some theology.

​As I say, if everything is theology then nothing is theology. I have a
feeling you must like Trump because words don't have any meaning for him
either, he just makes noises with his mouth.​

​> ​
> All self-referentially correct universal machine which believe in enough
> induction axioms (Gödel-Löbian machines) has a theology,

​And so my dear friends we are here to mourn the death of 2 fine words that
once meant something but no longer do, "​
​" has joined "God" in becoming just squiggles ​that have no meaning.

> ​> ​
> you can already read my paper on Plotinus

​Do any of the squiggles on that paper have a meaning? ​

​ John K Clark​

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