On 17 May 2017, at 20:42, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 5/17/2017 3:27 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Exactly. I might try to add some possible mathematical precision, but I need to think a bit on this. Later. Up to now, the B of Bp & p is interpreted by its computational rendering, but "B" is really provability, and not computation. Up to here, that absence of distinction works well (indeed for a very deep and subtle reason related to Mechanism), but for the precision I want to add, I will need to make the distinction.

Are you, and others, OK with those facts:

RA cannot prove the consistency of RA. PA cannot prove the consistency of PA, etc.


PA can prove the consistency of RA.

Now the key fact which I intend to use is that RA can prove that PA can prove the consistency of RA. In fact RA can prove also that F can prove the consistency of PA, and of RA.

What is F?

Oops. It is ZF (Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory)

Despite this RA cannot be convinced that those facts prove its own consistency (by incompleteness).

Are you going to introduce a new modal quantifier "convinced". I already find the equivocation between B=believes, B=proves, B=computes obfuscating.

Convinced meant "get the rational justification of". It is still "B".

Careful, I equivocate believable and provable, but not computable, except that it happens that for sigma_1 provability is Turing universal, and so, we can equivocate them in some context (all computations can be shown equivalent witth proving a sigma_1 sentences). But the conceot remains intensionnally different, so this last equivocation works only in some context and we have to be cautious.

By "believe" I made it utterly clear. M believes p means M asserts p.

Then you have to keep in mind that, in order to derive physics from machine self-reference, we limit ourself to arithmetically correct sound extensions of PA. In that context, Gödel's incompleteness makes "proof" into "belief" as opposed to knowledge, because by incompleteness the sound machine cannot prove Bp -> p. This means also that although( Bp & p) *is* equivalent with Bp (we know that because we limit ourself to sound machines), the machine itself cannot see the equivalence, and, indeed (Bp & p) obeys a logic of knowledge when Bp obeys a logic of rational belief. Real-life logic adds a non monotonic logical layer, where axioms (beliefs) can be withdrawn, making us locally not Löbian, but that is another story, out of the scope of mechanist theoretical physics.

So, all what I say applies to you, in the case you believe in PA axioms, and are self-referentially correct, which you might, or not, be. Note that the NON self-referentially correct concrete machine will obey to the same physics than the correct one, but we can't derive physics from their introspection, no more than we can derive history from an interview of a guy who claim to be Napoleon.

All you need to assume is mechanism, which includes a belief in PA axioms implicitly (if only to define what is a universal machine).



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